Pray You Take My Pain Away | Teen Ink

Pray You Take My Pain Away

September 27, 2011
By DreamWriter17 PLATINUM, Marengo, Indiana
DreamWriter17 PLATINUM, Marengo, Indiana
34 articles 1 photo 682 comments

Favorite Quote:
learn from your past to live for the future.

Infected with what I want

Injected with what they say

Intrusted with my destiny

Disgusted with all the ways

I'm allowed to say I hate myself

I'm allowed to say I am myself

I'm allowed to say I hate them

But not allowed to be them

But I already am

Infected with what I want

Injected with these nightmares

Stay away from will come

And catch them unawares

Will you chase them away from me?

And I'll sit with you until the dawn

Will you break their wings for me?

So that I'll be the one you lean upon

When all is said and done

And you are here beside me

Will you let me treat your wounds?

Please do not forget me

You say I am your precious honey bee

All I feel like is a stinger

No wings, no color, not purpose in life

A lonesome, loathesome singer

Fit to hold you? I think myself

To be this one to you

I'll bind your wounds and guide the moon

To light your angelic face so that

I can feel safe with you


Stingerless honey bee, hiding in your attic

With cobwebs for hair and eyes that will stare

Out at you, hour after hour after

Ten past four

In the morning, keeping you awake

Until your breath I take in words that will

Take me to the place where you will

Be with me

All for me


Jealously protected by the

Zealously watching honey bee

Infected with thoughts of you

Injected with words of truth

Protected by your lion-strength

With not even the courtesy to thank

Your willing heart

Your stilling heart

For if you die, what will I do?

In the attic at five past two

Cradling your head, too precioius to me

A face to whom I was too scared to be

Your precious little honey bee

Still and cold, no more shall you

Protect me from the things they do

That make me want to fly away, too

Into their world of infestation

Degridation, Immorilation

Devistation, Deprivation

Damnation, Infatuation

With things of dark and moonless knights

Where shadows whisper of godless plights

And the trees mourn the absence of

You, the protector of

The fightened little honey bee

Alone and scared, pathetic

In a cobweb-molested attic

Where once laid the form

Of the bane of evil's storm

Should that be me

And that be you

I would not know what I would do

Because...because I love you

...I think...

Pray, you take no shame in remembering my name

Pray, you take no fear in holding me so near

Pray, you take my pain, and I'll hold you again

Pray, don't push me away

Pray for the sun, another day

With you

I'll take no shame in taking the blame

For the wounds they inflict upon you

Lean on me, your precious honey bee

If I can be of any use to you

Take me, make me what you will

The cobweb angel on the window sill

The broken angel in your bed

Pray, you let me take your head

And gaze into the eyes that bore

Me from the life of filthy wh*re-

filled nightmares

And so you'll catch them unawares

As we slip into midnight

On broken wings take flight

A sky of ten thousand sparkling lights

Pray, not for me

For you

If this is all I can do

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This article has 1 comment.

on Mar. 16 2017 at 11:01 am
Thisisreal_life PLATINUM, Manhattan, Kansas
48 articles 3 photos 69 comments

Favorite Quote:
"so do it. Decide. Is this the person you want to be? Is this the life you want to live? Is this the best you can be?"
"I survived the fire because the fire within me burns brighter than the one around me"

!!!!! I have chills. This is so good. the imagery is so deep for a dark and mysterious poem like this. your word choice is awesome Keep writing!!