Mama! | Teen Ink


August 4, 2011
By AbysmallyAbstracted PLATINUM, Mountains, Colorado
AbysmallyAbstracted PLATINUM, Mountains, Colorado
33 articles 4 photos 13 comments

Favorite Quote:
2000 B.C. - "Here, eat this root."
1000 B.C. - "That root is heathen, say this prayer."
1850 A.D. - "That prayer is superstition, drink this potion."
1940 A.D. - "That potion is snake oil, swallow this pill."
1985 A.D. - "That pill is ineffective, take this antibiotic."
2000 A.D. - "That antibiotic is artificial. Here, eat this root."
~Author Unknown

You go to work to sub our play

Dinner for eleven... or twelve makes gay

You wear your heart upon your sleeve

Plain as day for all to see

Never hate is what you said

Curing colds atop our head

You stay up with us when we're ill

Giving relief, a natural pill

Benevolence is your spirit's plot

The world could learn if you they sought

Your beauty radiates through this house

Bachelors clamoring to be your spouse

You gave to us our potent life

Breaking up our ignorant strife

Perpetual perseverance is a quality like none other

Yet it's passionately performed by our wonderful mother

Your grace is swift, like a flying dove

Breeder of life, whom we all


The author's comments:
This was written not only by me, but also by some of my brothers and sisters. Enjoy.

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