A fancy | Teen Ink

A fancy

November 1, 2010
By expressionist SILVER, Harriman, Tennessee
expressionist SILVER, Harriman, Tennessee
6 articles 1 photo 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
If life gives u lemons you shud make lemonade then go find someone whose life has given them vodka n have a party!!!-Ron White

The only one that really knows my pain is the blood that runs from my body. It has endured it all with my spirit. My spirit leaves and comes when it pleases vowing never to stay till my heart knows true bliss. Latter of that morning I recieved a bouquet of flowers upon my doorstep signed from a lover and a most beautiful pendant. I wear it whenever I go walking arm in arm with my shadow. My shadow..it loves and hates everything I do and went everywhere with me. It was my only friend before I found out that love was possible and that I cud enjoy that wonderful bliss.

The author's comments:
This is about really how i see things. as dark as it may seem sometimes you are your true enemy and friend. hope you like it.

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