Caged | Teen Ink


September 12, 2010
By Faith.Hope.Love BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
Faith.Hope.Love BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
3 articles 0 photos 25 comments

Favorite Quote:
"To succeed in life, you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone and a funnybone."
Reba McEntire

Give me wings so that I can fly away
From poisoned words and burning rage
This place is strange; I cannot stay

But I must, and I suffer day by day
Like a captured bird, I’m bound by cage
Give me wings so that I can fly away

Everyone has something cruel to say
I don’t know these characters or this stage
This place is strange; I cannot stay

Outside my window, I envy that blue jay.
O, pretty bird! Rescue me from my dark age!
Give me wings so that I can fly away.

I wish to rid myself of those who betray.
I’m exhausted of the internal wars I wage
This place is strange; I cannot stay.

So open my cage, let there be no delay
Let all my troubled and distressed thoughts assuage
Give me wings so that I can fly away
This place is strange; I cannot stay

The author's comments:
This type of poem is called a Villanelle

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