Properly Reprogrammed | Teen Ink

Properly Reprogrammed

September 10, 2010
By Dglad GOLD, Russell, Minnesota
Dglad GOLD, Russell, Minnesota
11 articles 8 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
“One of the great things about young people is that they do question, that they do care deeply about justice, and they have open minds.”
-Zac de la Rocha-

It's time for me to; give up, grow up, and forget my dreams.
Now I'm going to go live my life to society's means.
I'll have to get married, have kids, and then work till I'm dead.
My opinions won't matter I will follow the rules that are said.
I think I'll join in on this world wide puppet show.
I'll be the puppet and the puppeteer will direct me where to go.
I may think that my ideas are original and unique.
But my creativity will be turned down to bleak.
I'll have to worry more about what other people think of me.
Rather than respecting myself and my individuality.
I vow from this moment on I will try to be less of a radical, rational, realistic, renegade, respectful, revolutionary, righteous man.
Now let's all get together and go be extremely bland!

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