I Was a Witness | Teen Ink

I Was a Witness

May 20, 2008
By Anonymous

Giving up on it all
Tired of crying
So dreamed away holding my doll

Awake from deep sleep
Facing my destiny
Drowning in the ocean deep

Feeling more alive than ever
No pain of fear, just warmth
In the rain, drenched, so much better

What was this clean, worry free feeling?
Someone whispers "No more guilt from sin. No more lying, hatred, anger, or stealing.

I close my eyes to take in the relief.
Feeling someone take my hand
I look to see this mystery
Who I see is beyond belief.

I knew it was Jesus before me
Telling me my sins were washed away
And that there was much more for me to see.

And suddenly Jesus turned and stared into the depth of me.
Wonders filled my nose and sight. My eyes opened to pure beauty.
Every type of flower there possibly could be.

He was looking deep in my eyes, all the way to my heart,
Letting my know what I thought not true.
"Your beauty is beyond these flowers you are seeing."

"The flowers envy you."
He took my hand
And a knife was stabbed through.

The pain so deep inside
I stared into a globe
Jesus watching from behind

A world full of suicide, murder,
hatred, sickness,
Families being destroyed!

Deep cries for help,
I was a witness.

Jesus takes my hand and reaches in.
I find myself in front of a lost and broken woman, knowing to pray for her while holding her hand.

I'm back by His side.
He says I know what I need to do,
Just let Him be my guide.

I awake new
Not useless and ugly.
So much to do.

Cries for help
Miracles to happen
And people to have the faith in knowing that they can.

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