With Regards to C.M.C. | Teen Ink

With Regards to C.M.C.

May 19, 2008
By Anonymous

When we met it was coincidence,
I was in that state of mind
Where there's quite a high incidence
Of becoming disinclined
To worry about the things I say
Or break or fall upon
And conversations with girls with flowing blonde curls
Are so easy to carry on,

It could've stopped there as it usually does
But something about the way she didn't care
Was still exciting without the buzz
Of course time went on and things began to fall apart
And I wish I'd played it cool when I knew we would soon part,
Since I didn't things got ugly,
I could no longer meet her gaze,
Especially when they told me she was in the back of his Chevrolet,

I think of all those nights wasted on the phone,
Were you playing with my heart 'cause you don't have one of your own?
The last thing that you told me was to call when I grow up,
But I don't feel any different so we're both still out of luck.

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