Crashed | Teen Ink


August 31, 2009
By Jacquelyn Salzbank SILVER, Port Washington, New York
Jacquelyn Salzbank SILVER, Port Washington, New York
9 articles 0 photos 4 comments

As I sat beside the computer, wondering how to start,
my report which is due tomorrow, on ancient European art.
I opened a brand new document, and prepared my opening thought,
Then suddenly up came a notice about a virus my computer just caught.
I hoped that I could ignore it and complete my essay instead,
But my screen soon faded to darkness and the nerves in my gut had spread
My fingers clicked frantically on the keyboard trying to revive the machine,
Praying for a savior button that somewhere existed unseen
As the plan was clearly a failure, I guessed I could write it in pen,
But what if my teacher is mad and makes me write it again?
I checked all my families’ computers, but all were being used,
I begged and pleaded for a minute but of selfishness I was being accused
Who was I trying to fool; I would never get it done at this rate,
Next time I must remember; never write a paper this late!
I finally collapsed in despair at the fact which I knew to be true
My computer had suddenly crashed and there was nothing I could do!

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This article has 1 comment.

Stephanie527 said...
on Sep. 8 2009 at 12:05 pm
Wow what a cute poem! I loved it