That girl | Teen Ink

That girl

August 7, 2009
By George B SILVER, Perrysburg, Ohio
George B SILVER, Perrysburg, Ohio
7 articles 0 photos 2 comments


All describe that girl in my life.
I know some of you get what i mean

She has tons of friends, is funny
is dedicated to something, and lean

I, however am not funny and sized well.
Yet somehow we're together. Funny.

How i'll never understand her.
To her it's always sunny

Everything is good and clean and neat
And every person is pure to her

However i see clouds, dark and menacing
And men are definitely not sirs.

She believes in morals,
of that we are the same.

I hear opposites attract...
But i can't see the flame

Of burning want, love, and passion
it's there on one end, but not the other

I see only one reason, and i guess it's good
She listens well to her mother

Her mother does her job well
And tells her to not anything do

And i am patient and nice about it
But i sure wish she feels like me too

i guess what i'm saying is...
She confuses me but i love her.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Aug. 11 2009 at 8:28 pm
silentlove DIAMOND, Perrysburg, Ohio
68 articles 0 photos 49 comments

Favorite Quote:
dance like nobodies watching, love like youve never been hurt, sing nobodies listning, live like its hevean on earth -mark twain
worry always about the distance and you'll never make the jump -alana marsh <3

very nice and sweet. really liked it.