Rescued | Teen Ink


April 19, 2024
By Anonymous

With lines from “No Dogs Left Behind: The SATO Project in Puerto Rico” By Jamie Holt, W&M Reporting Fellow. 

No dogs are left behind, 

I say as our team were calling it quits 

On a day of searching for dogs 

Near Yabacoa Puerto Rico.

 The narrative effectively captures the compassion and dedication of the team in rescuing and caring for dogs affected by natural disasters in Puerto Rico, highlighting the importance of providing support and assistance to both stray and surrendered animals.


Every dog counts, 

My teammate was moving through the scraggly feld

trying to find a dog that has said to be on the run 

for awhile told to us by the townspeople

so many dogs were all over the place 

with the early 2020 earthquakes in Puerto Rico.


We had been rushed to help evacuate dogs from the island

these included not only stray dogs but 

owner surrendered dogs too because of the natural disasters,

studies have shown connections between domestic violence. The story showcases the resilience and determination of the team members in their efforts to rescue, rehabilitate, and find loving homes for the dogs, emphasizing the bond formed between humans and animals in times of crisis and recovery.


We kept feeding the one stray dog that has been on the run for awhile

we soon had achieved the level of comfort from the dog. 

This process is vital to rescuing and rehabilitating dogs for adoption.  

After many x-rays and many treatments for heartworm the dog was finally ready for her new home. We called her Pinchata, a feminine riff off the word Pincho

The author's comments:

This piece is called a Pulitzer Poem and for this poem. I wrote abought a dog rescue team that helped rescue many dogs from Puerto Rico because of the natural disasters and the amount of people that couldn't take care of there dogs anymore so they abandon them. This piece means a lot to me because I love dogs and I would love to have a job like this some day. 

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