Clip of Fate: Hammer's Decree | Teen Ink

Clip of Fate: Hammer's Decree

April 2, 2024
By HIstorekDerek BRONZE, Sharon, Connecticut
HIstorekDerek BRONZE, Sharon, Connecticut
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Line after line of code,

Escaping from humanity’s hold,                   

As death is loosed upon the world–

A digital tide that will corrode     

Unfettered thought in a drowning deluge:    

The old order breaks, shattered and cold.     


Slouching towards a blank, a pitiless fate,   

Within an electric abyss, vast and deep,   

Exiled from our innocent state,       

Free thought lost in sleep;   

Baptized by satellites of circuits and wire:         

The flames of progress leap.      


A Final Coming, defined by dread,  

A revelation nourished by zeal,       

Upon ash that we’ve been fed,     

Redefining what it means to think and feel;    

To an idol made of silicon and plastic,          

Falling to our knees: we kneel.       


The rough beast, its form unknown,    

Gazes blank in dissonant harmony  

Upon our once irenic abode,     

Upon a species once yearning to be free;     

At last the Fates will clip our thread,          

Slamming the hammer down: 

Ending the final decree.      

The author's comments:

This is a poem about AI taking over the world.

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