Outsider Looking In | Teen Ink

Outsider Looking In

June 28, 2009
By GlassHeart SILVER, Black Earth, Wisconsin
GlassHeart SILVER, Black Earth, Wisconsin
7 articles 8 photos 167 comments

Standing in the bathroom
Looking at myself in the mirror
Tears ready to bloom
Getting nearer and nearer

I ask my reflection if you’ll ever betray me
Everyone else has before
In your eyes I see no guarantee
Acting vain I stare at myself some more

To see if I can trust you I move to the right
You don’t move with
I jump back with fright
Believing you would always be there for me was a myth

I stare enviously at you brushing your hair
I was trapped
Every second watching you my heart fills with even more despair
I’d never be able to adapt

It’s here trapped inside the mirror in which I stay
My head starts to spin
I wish to be you everyday
Because I’ll always be just the outsider looking in

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This article has 6 comments.

on Mar. 4 2010 at 12:51 pm
teenbookworm14 PLATINUM, Plainfield, Connecticut
41 articles 0 photos 164 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Nothing gold can stay" -Robert Frost

amazing! 5 stars! completely adore it

on Sep. 10 2009 at 8:33 pm
wordweaver96 PLATINUM, Winchester, Kentucky
37 articles 2 photos 254 comments

Favorite Quote:
" It is not our abilities but our choices that show who we truly are. "
Albus Dumbledore

See, we really DON'T have anything to fear but fear itself!

wow this is amazing. please read & comment on my stuff.

Katrselyn said...
on Aug. 1 2009 at 11:40 pm
Katrselyn, Kankakee, Illinois
0 articles 0 photos 142 comments
whoa.. awesome.. i could feel you and I could picture it all kinda creeped me out when she didnt do what you did lol look at mine i give u 5 stars

on Jul. 20 2009 at 10:34 pm
PinkPrincess GOLD, Wellington, Florida
17 articles 0 photos 27 comments

Favorite Quote:
I think therefore I am

wow that poem was amazing it pulled me into the mirror with you! nice job!

on Jul. 20 2009 at 8:06 pm
xDarithz SILVER, Lowell, Massachusetts
6 articles 0 photos 11 comments
This is really good. I can relate to this. Good job! =)

on Jul. 15 2009 at 10:52 pm
distant_dreamer GOLD, Belmont, New Hampshire
12 articles 6 photos 497 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life's a climb, but the view is great!"

Excellent! I love it all! Keep up the great work!!