You Will Not Keep Me Treading In Black Night | Teen Ink

You Will Not Keep Me Treading In Black Night

January 9, 2023
By aliceswonderland BRONZE, White Plains, New York
aliceswonderland BRONZE, White Plains, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes”.
- Jim Carrey

I will not let you take my inner light.

Others shall succumb, but I will resist

You will not keep me treading in black night.


People fall every day, and though I might

By the Devil and Angel, I’ve been kissed

I will not let you take my inner light.


Starting off summer by flying a kite

Shot the arrow in the game of life, and missed 

You will not keep me treading in black night.


Finally, I fall into the fire bright

Flames take my body, and engulf my wrist

I will not let you take my inner light.


A rope lowered in the pit, I hold tight

I pull myself through the cool, cloud of mist.

You will not keep me treading in black night.


Though Ixtab may have taken a small bite

Those not victimized yet, I have a list

I will not let you take my inner light

You will not keep me treading in black night.

The author's comments:

This villanelle is about my personal struggles with mental health and depression. Overcoming it is a huge challenge, and there are millions of people in the world with the same struggles as me. I hope that this poem can connect to someone and inspire them, too, to help people who are struggling.

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