Forgetting | Teen Ink


June 3, 2009
By RoRoG BRONZE, Geneseo, Illinois
RoRoG BRONZE, Geneseo, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

it kills every time you talk
about her
i die every time
just a little bit more
than i did the time before
a pain stabs my heart, and your
words pierce my mind
thats why I’m dying, you’ll kill me
in time

every time you
speak those words...
she is this
she is mine...
things i will never be
i could be yours
i could be this
but you love another
so i will lay down and die

I’ve tried to survive,
but know i shall not
you love her so much,
and my heart you forgot
you must not remeber
how i looked into your eyes
told you i loved you,
but i was not first in line

you followed your heart,
i commend you on this
but must you remind me
lest i ever forget?
how you turned to her, not me,
to hold in your arms
how you gaze in her eyes
sheild her from harm

i will never forget, i promise you this,
how dearly i loved you
and still love you yet
part of me will be yours,
the one that can’t fit
in with the whole
that i remade from
pieces and bits

shattered, you left them behind
i picked them all up
put them together, just to find
that one was too chipped
it was the piece
cupid decided to shoot
and caused all the rest
to follow in suit

i hope you have larned
that i love you still
and it kills
and i die
and you murder me inside
every time i see you

i won’t forget who you are to me
i dont’ forget what you mean to me

i can’t forget your not mine

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