Deadliest Cravings | Teen Ink

Deadliest Cravings

May 9, 2009
By TaylorTravesty BRONZE, Lakeway, Texas
TaylorTravesty BRONZE, Lakeway, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

The sun sets and you’re not here,
Not living to see tomorrow is my greatest fear.

I crave your warmth, love, and attention,
Without it makes happiness a weak retention.

I need to be with you, by your side,
But instead my access is cruelly denied.

You lie and deceive me with such grace and with that smile,
You give me just enough “love” to make me stay for a while.

I cannot leave; I’m in way too deep,
The longing for death comes closer with every violent weep.

Everyone thinks I have no reason for depression; that I should be ecstatic,
They say my insecurities and despair are just melodramatic.

I’m afraid to lose you; my love is way too strong,
My mind is twisted, everything’s wrong.

My vision is warped, nothing is clear,
A longing for the end is terribly near.

My heart is shattered, my feelings demented,
With dark longings that you could have prevented.

Scarlet art painted across my arms,
If you ever discovered, you’d run away and cause more harm.

The pain you caused left me crazed and psychological,
And now whatever I do is out of my control.

So, go ahead, practice your PDAs with that girl,
Watch as my plans for the end quickly unfurl.

So I hope you know that when you were kissing her and stroking her hair,
I was the one with ink-tainted tears, drying as I jumped and fell through the air.

The author's comments:
This is, indeed, inspired by my recent heartbreak but certain feelings of despair are emphasized to make it have a more powerful emotion. Truly, I have never had a feeling close to suicidal, but I did recently read a book that inspired me to add a bit of that twist onto a somewhat true story.
(the book was "Impulse" by Ellen Hopkins. It was a great book, in my opinion!)

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