Excitement | Teen Ink


October 15, 2018
By celucille SILVER, Austin, Texas
celucille SILVER, Austin, Texas
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Excitement is a little boy with dimples and wide baby blues. He tugs on your hand, babbling happily as he toddles along. In one hand he holds a soft yellow blanket, for Excitements is accompanied by a feeling of safety. That faded security blanket he holds so dear is the difference between Excitement and his twin sister, Nervousness. Excitement gazes up at you with the angelic face of a cherub. He climbs onto your back and wraps his stubby arms around your neck, his hands sticky with sickly sweet cotton candy. Excitement is on a constant sugar rush. He manifests in the delicate pink butterflies fluttering about your belly. Excitement, bless his heart, can never fall into blissful sleep, so when he takes up residence in your thoughts, neither will you. Excitement is the equivalent of a shot of espresso before the sun is even up. Excitement thrives in the time before the Big Event. It is only afterwards that Excitement snuggles in for a nap. Then, his big sister Wistfulness comes to play, and you will find yourself wishing for simpler times.

The author's comments:

This prose was written in my Pre-AP Creative Writing class. We were told to choose an abstract noun and personify it. I, evidently, chose excitement!

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