I Dare ya | Teen Ink

I Dare ya

January 5, 2010
By Alexia Haidemenos SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Alexia Haidemenos SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Marijuana, Erythropoietin (EPO), and steroids are utilized by professional athletes. Bill Gifford’s article “Cheating Athletes” lists players from three different sports that have been caught using illegal substances to enhance their game: Barry bonds (baseball), Nina Kraft (Ironman triathlon), and Tom Simpson (cycling). Bonds denies cheating because he has never tested positive (publicly) for anything on MLB’s concerns of banned substances. In most cases, cheaters are wanna-bes; however, some known users are has-beens and almost-weres.

Students are influenced from parents, siblings, and celebrities to cheat their way through life. I used to think that there was only one kind of cheating: to commit adultery. Type “How to Cheat” into Google and infinite strategies appear for a person to use this method: students cheating on tests, athletes cheating the game, husbands cheating on wives, and even cheating death popped up. It seems that something is out of place in the world, not someone.

Another humiliation is how after being caught in the act, people are quick to refute their involvement. Gifford wrote, “Bonds told the grand jury that he just didn’t know what was in those potions that his trainer and best friend gave him.” If that were true, a murderer could announce on the stand that he just didn’t know his gun was loaded. Excuse after excuse is repeated in these situations.

The problem is people can’t comprehend that what they are doing is defined as cheating. What’s wrong with getting blazed before school? Why can’t I take speed to boost my energy before the big game? My wife won’t know what happens in Vegas; it’s three states away from home! These responses are given from uneducated people who need to learn the value of morality.

I bet if the whole football team was drug tested, half would test positive for Marijuana. When will the phenomena of clueless users cease? Not until all the achievements and scholarships awarded to a high school senior’s unfaithful journey are stripped away will he realize all that’s left is his totally awesome three-hour high.

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