Can Sports Ruin Relationships? | Teen Ink

Can Sports Ruin Relationships?

October 29, 2018
By Anonymous

Dear readers,


How would you feel if someone you cared about ignored you because they were focused on a sport or game? There is always a struggle to balance sports and relationships equally. How big the struggle is depends on the person. For some people it is very easy to balance sports and relationships. For others, it is harder. While playing a sport, some people ignore others and some people let a game ruin friendships.

While playing a sport, some people get so involved in the game, they ignore people they care about.  They could be thinking about different ways to win the game while not paying attention to the people they are with. For example, instead of listening to others when they are talking, the person is thinking about the game. The player could be playing so much on the field that they don’t spend any time with their significant other. For instance, the couple could have planned a romantic date, but he or she cancels so they can practice. According to the website Health24, you can become an addict by thinking too much about sports (Sports Addictions Ruin Relationships). Moreover, if they spend most of their time thinking about the sport, they can become obsessed and ignore other people. Most people might say that they can pull away from the sport and spend time with others but some people don’t have the ability to pull away from the sport because they have a one-track mind.

Some friends let a game or something similar get between their friendship. They let a bet ruin their friendship because they want different outcomes. For instance, if one friend bets on the Cowboys winning but the other friend bets on the Redskins, they could become mad at each other and refuse to talk to each other. Some friends fight about which team they think plays better. For example, one friend says the Nationals play better but the other says the Marlins are the better team and they argue and become so mad they refuse to talk to each other. According to the article, “Unhealthy Competition and How it Ruins Friendships” when it comes to competition, there is a monster in all of us (Chiang). In addition, most of us strive to be the best at everything and will do whatever it takes to become the best even if it is ruining a friendship.

While playing a sport, several people ignore others or some people let a game ruin friendships. What if your boyfriend or girlfriend ignored you for a football game? It would not make you feel good about yourself. It might make you question yourself and why they don’t want to spend time with you. If you play a sport, review your life and relationships and see if you ignore your friends and significant others.




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