A Petitte Dream | Teen Ink

A Petitte Dream

April 22, 2016
By durra.shuaz SILVER, Khobar, Other
durra.shuaz SILVER, Khobar, Other
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I never believed deeply in dreams. I always knew they existed, but never once did I make my own and did anything to achieve it. I looked at people living their dreams, always saying that if you believe, you will achieve. That all went through my right ear, and out through my left.

Until I watched "The Walk." Petitte used to grab his setbacks and use them like a stepping stool. Every setback, he built them up and knew it was another challenge he destroyed. Another goal he achieved. But not yet. He did not achieve his dream yet. It existed, but it didn't come true.

Petitte started with nothing. All he had was his passion and he became the most famous skywalker who walked on a thin line between the two twin towers. Not only did he walk all the way through once, but four times. And during those four times, he stopped and layed down and looked up at the skies. He saw the sky like it was music, he didn't see the ground like it was death.

It was beautiful. The way his eyes reflected on the world while he was on that rope, it was richer than the wealthiest man that ever lived. The way his bright smile shined and his arms stretched, face feeling the air flying past him, it was as if I could feel it too. I cold almost feel the most exciting, bizarre feeling in the world. Petitte, Petitte didn't think about falling, nor did he think about staying on the rope. He thought about what he felt at that very moment, because life isn't about making it. Life is about the moments you could've failed but you didn't. Life is about living your dream, even when the only thing keeping you alive is a thin rope. Because dreams do make you feel alive.

Petitte took his time, with all the police officers shouting for him to get back to the building. He sat down, acknowledged and praised the things around him. He not only achieved his dream and made it come alive, but he colored outside the lines and broadened his dream.

And then I thought about me. What about my dreams? What are my dreams? I didn't have one. Maybe I wouldn't do the impossible like Petitte did, but I just don't have that heart to see beyond what I want right now. I don't know what I want. But I want it. When I figure it out, when one day I open my eyes a different way and see what I want, what I really really want; maybe then I will be as passionate as Petitte was.

The author's comments:

After two and a half hours of watching a movie, my life changed. 

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