Just Live | Teen Ink

Just Live

May 9, 2015
By LarryPulaski SILVER, Bellingham,
LarryPulaski SILVER, Bellingham,
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The only true wisdom is knowing you know nothing."

We, are still growing, our parents, are dying. They say there is a time when humans stop growing, and start dying. Why is it that we wait to live our life and explore only once we start dying? Why is it that when we are still growing, we’re stuck inside day after day? And why is it that it is only when we are dying that we a set free? What if we instead learned only a little and then explored and lived for the rest? Once we do die, which would matter more, being able to do calculus and recite world history, or knowing that you grew and prospered and lived you life to the fullest when you actually were still living? Our time of living is ticking away, we should use it to the fullest.

The author's comments:

I Don't have anything against calculus and world history because for some people, those subjects are part of living, but i just think that we should be able to more freely to choose how to live and what path to take.

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