Brown Eyes and All Their Glory | Teen Ink

Brown Eyes and All Their Glory

January 3, 2017
By reach4mars GOLD, State College, Pennsylvania
reach4mars GOLD, State College, Pennsylvania
16 articles 44 photos 211 comments

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I already know how it ends, I'm just here for the ride :)

Honestly, brown eyes don’t get enough credit.

Brown is a beautiful color but it is commonly associated with mud and dirt, and often considered a dull, lifeless color.

Brown is actually the color of the earth, a simple, calming color. A color of honesty and warmth. It is the color of fall, the changing of the leafs, and the crisp color of the bark on the trees. It is the color of rich, flavorful chocolate and hot savory coffee.

Brown is a beautiful color.

So why do so many people wish to change their brown eyes?  

Blue and green eyes have always been rare, but it seems that recently they’ve become even more sought out. They’ve become so desirable that some people have resorted to eye color changing contacts and even surgery to change their brown eyes.

Eye contacts have been growing more and more popular by the day. Often considered a fast and easy way to change a person’s eye color, many online sellers and store sellers have quickly jumped onto this popular bandwagon. Tempting and selling their contacts to unsuspecting buyers. Unfortunately the risk of harming your eyes when wearing non prescribed eye contacts is incredibly high. If the lenses do not fit properly, they can scratch the eye, cause blood vessels to grow into the cornea, cause drooping eyelids and damage vision. Remember, one size does not fit all.    

What's worse than non prescribed contacts? Eye color changing surgery. Recently, many internet sources have claimed that surgically changing the eye color is a simple and harmless surgery that almost anyone could do. Truthfully, surgically changing the iris can lead to permanent eye damage, like reduced eye vision or even blindness.

People have become so focused on their appearance that they are willing to risk permanent blindness just to change the color of their eyes.

No matter the color: brown, blue, green, gray and all shades in between are beautiful just the way they are. No need to risk harm just to change the color of your eyes. Eyes are already amazing, and if they work properly, that’s even more incredible! There are over 39 million people worldwide who are blind. So be a little more grateful for your eyes and what they can do and no matter the color, shape or size, all eyes are beautiful just the way they are.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Jan. 6 2017 at 11:35 am
reach4mars GOLD, State College, Pennsylvania
16 articles 44 photos 211 comments

Favorite Quote:
I already know how it ends, I'm just here for the ride :)

thank you! Appreciate the feedback :)

HammadWaseem said...
on Jan. 6 2017 at 10:20 am
HammadWaseem, Lahore, Other
0 articles 5 photos 283 comments

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Be proud of who you are.

You can't see me
-John Cena

Ooh, somebody stop me!

This is totally amazing and awesome! @reach4mars Will you check and comment on my two pics named, "Cute Boy", "Smart Guy" and one video named,"The Unbeatable Breakdancer"? :)