Maybe Thats Why I See The Universe in His Eyes | Teen Ink

Maybe Thats Why I See The Universe in His Eyes

April 8, 2016
By Nomaa. BRONZE, Karachi., Other
Nomaa. BRONZE, Karachi., Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Happiness is not an easy thing to find.

Before you , I was someone who forgot how to live , but you came into my life and taught me how to live again, and how to be happy , and for that , I cant Thankyou Enough. You are the light in the darkest moments of my life. You save me from alot of things. You taught me to love someone , you taught me love someone past their insecurities , their weakenesses. You taught me how to be someones strength and be their only weakness. Your eyes , they shine so bright , they could light up the whole world and your smile could just end all the problems , it is so genuine and sweet that an unexpected warmth rushes through my veins and I get butterflies in my stomach. Bur what was it that made me love you? Was it the way you cared about me? Or the way you always kept me happy without even trying. Was is the way you talked that made my world stop? What was it? It was the way you were never afraid to be yourself , you were never afraid to express what you really felt and this made love you. My soul was full of chaos , you found beauty in the chaos and decided to repair it and suddenly that was your main challenge. Love is simple , and beautiful like the universe. Maybe thats why I see the universe in your eyes.

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