I'm Not Hurt, I'm Just Disappointed | Teen Ink

I'm Not Hurt, I'm Just Disappointed

February 9, 2014
By LexiJay BRONZE, Newton, Iowa
LexiJay BRONZE, Newton, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
why chase something you want, when if you look behind you you'll see what you need?
-Terry Clark
(he siad this to me when he told me he didnt want to be in a relationship lol)
nicest way to be rejected

I'm panicking. The bell rings for lunch. I have to get there before he does. So I can be honest. My heart starts pounding as we walk away from our group. Before I could think, I told him. I told him I liked him, I told him I didn't want to be "just friends". Then I stopped, when I had realized what I had just done I froze. He pulled me into a hug and said "I know". A smile broke out on my face, I thought to myself, 'Why was I so scared?'. Wrapped in his arms I sat there, never feeling better. The weeks pasted and things started to fall apart. Slowly we started slipping away from each other. Then the question that had to be asked - What's happening? - finally did. What I had been told was true. I was wasting my time. He doesn't want a relationship. He doesn't want me. When he told me "Why chase something you want, when if you look behind you, you'll see what you need?" I'm not hurt. I'm disappointed, He let me think we had a chance.

The author's comments:
This is the written truth, and nothing but. I wont lie there is no point. It's just how i feel.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Feb. 21 2014 at 11:28 pm
j.g.poems PLATINUM, Naples, Florida
29 articles 6 photos 43 comments
He sucks!! You sound totally awesome, and I like the way you write.