The Unethical Practices of the Fashion Industry | Teen Ink

The Unethical Practices of the Fashion Industry

January 25, 2022
By Rex-Councilor BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
Rex-Councilor BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As humanity progresses, there seems to be more innovation that comes with it. Now every 5 years or so there seems to be some new groundbreaking technology in the works. But what is not shown to be behind that innovation is the impact that it has on our environment. In today’s constantly changing age the amount of consumption is at an all-time high and more consumption means more production. That production can have serious consequences on the environment. Most companies today use some sort of unethical form of production that damages the environment a lot and people who are constantly buying the new thing make those damages much bigger. Overconsumption causes lots of environmental impacts that easily be avoided.
It’s almost every week there is some new thing that you need to get but then ended up forgetting and throwing it away not much later. This can be seen a lot with clothing, trends are really prevalent in fashion so a lot of clothing ends up getting made to no longer be worn again. Fast fashion companies are the biggest instigators of this. Fast fashion brands are brands that make not the best quality of clothes but lots of them at a cheaper price. This allows them to make a ton of whatever is trending to quickly hop on to just to get rid of later. This causes major overconsumption because once that trend is over the companies and whoever bought them can tend to get rid of them. So a bunch of unnecessary production was done just for the product just to be forgotten. This topic was recently in discussion due to a protest of overconsumption at a Louis Vuitton fashion show making headlines. A protester went on to the runway as the show was in progress and held up a sign saying to stop this overcosumption. This shows just how important our environment is to people that someone is willing to take a stand against just one of the main polluters of our environment. Companies will keep using these unethical practices if there's an opportunity for profit and there isn’t much we can do about that. But change can still be made if people stop buying into fast fashion trends and instead buy more ethically sourced clothing.

The author's comments:

This article details how overconsumption in the fashion industry causes a lot of environmental impacts that can be avoided.

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