Breathing in Gas Chamber Poison | Teen Ink

Breathing in Gas Chamber Poison

October 11, 2016
By GKoh11 PLATINUM, Broomall, Pennsylvania
GKoh11 PLATINUM, Broomall, Pennsylvania
29 articles 0 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
Too many to write.

When I go to a city like Philadelphia, I always discover at least one person in an alley, street, or outside of a building holding a white stick. The people who hold the white stick either blows out horrible-smelling smoke from their mouths like a dragon or puts the revolting white stick in their mouths. First of all, why would someone put something in their mouth? I am pretty sure that that the white sticks are not edible, and unless the white sticks are food, then people should not put that in their mouths. Second, when I am near one of the “dragons,” they blow out smoke that clings onto my clothing and wafts around me. I have to hold my breath to not breathe in the nauseating smell. Smoking is not good for anybody, and there are not any positive things about it. However, some smokers claim that smoking is good for you and is a good stress reliever. Err! Smoking can give you lung cancer, throat cancer, mouth cancer, nasal cavity cancer, stomach cancer, kidney cancer, cervix cancer, type 2 diabetes, erectile dysfunction (ED), and other things. Pretty long list, right? The reason: cigarettes are made out of many toxic chemicals. I bet some of the smokers did not know that in cigarettes, there are naphthalene (in mothballs), carbon monoxide (poisonous gas), ammonia (in household cleaners), arsenic (in rat poisons), cadmium (in batteries), cyanide (deadly poison), DDT (banned insecticide), tar (used to make roads), hydrogen cyanide (gas chamber poison), and other chemicals.

If all of these chemicals are in cigarettes, then shouldn’t smokers die quickly? Cigarettes have small amounts of all the chemicals, and about 50 percent of smokers do reach an old age but have bad taste buds, eyesight, and yellow teeth. Even though you are a smoker and you live a happy life at an old age, other people around smokers who breathe in the smoke containing 4,000 noxious chemicals may die or suffer from diseases or cancer. My father’s uncle was not one of those lucky smoker who reached at an old age and died at an early age (maybe around his 30’s or 40’s) because my uncle never knew what was in those cigarettes.

I understand that smoking is hard to quit because of nicotine, but please be considerate of others and do not try to smoke or try your best to quit smoking. I want to live in a world with clean air. I do not want to breathe in carbon monoxide, cyanide, or even hydrogen cyanide (gas chamber poison).

Don’t Want To Breathe in Dangerous Things!

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