Why Gays Should Be Banned | Teen Ink

Why Gays Should Be Banned

March 2, 2018
By evaristbego SILVER, Tirana, Other
evaristbego SILVER, Tirana, Other
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Gays are a danger to society as a whole and they negatively affect children. They are bad people, therefore they should not be treated as equals. Why, you ask. Ummm… well… it's just not normal and that's it, end of discussion.


Have you or any of your acquaintances ever said or thought about the above statement? Well, congratulations, you have a common disease called being a dimwit. How cool is that?


I mean, you don't even have a proper argument to support your case. "Oh, but the Bible says...", will you shut up about the Bible already. You keep misinterpreting it that way. "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders (arsenokoitai)" (1 Corinthians 6:9, New International Version) - this is what the Bible says - people translate "arsenokoitai" to "homosexual" which is not the correct translation (the correct one is "homosexual offenders"), therefore thinking that's what it means and as a result discriminating them. Furthermore, homosexuals were allowed in Ancient Greece as part of "normal" society. Even though it was regional (some regions were a bit harsh on homosexuality, e.g., Thebes), most regions, like Elis and Boiotia, approved it and even celebrated it (Homosexuality, 2015). A character in Plutarch's Erotikos argues that “the noble lover of beauty engages in love wherever he sees excellence and splendid natural endowment without regard for any difference in physiological detail” (Ibid., 146). Gender just becomes irrelevant “detail” and instead the excellence in character and beauty is what is most important (Homosexuality, 2015).


"They keep having parades and protests all the time and shoving their homosexuality in our faces. What about the straights. Don't they deserve parades as well?" Yes, you are right. A moment of silence for all the following heterosexuals being killed for liking the opposite sex: *queue cricket sound*. Moreover, the following list shows all the countries where heterosexuality is illegal: *queue cri-... (you get the point)*


Shame. Shame on you all for discriminating these poor souls. What was that? Gay people are paid less than straight people (Pinkser, 2015)? Look at that sudden flip of events. We already have women's rights protests and African American ones. So what is different about the LGBT community having one as well? Are they doing anything else besides standing up for themselves?


Some people say that if children are exposed to homosexuallity in childhood, something that is currently happening in TV shows (Steven Universe), books (Mister B. Gone), etc., they will tend to be homosexuals in the future, as well. First of all, no, they will not, because there are not enough TV shows or books that depict homosexuality that would affect a child's sexual orientation. Moreover, there's no actual connection between kids watching LGBT-based cartoons and ending up gay when they grow up. 


In conclusion, gays are perfectly normal human beings who are being discriminated either because they are minorities and they can't fight back, or because people are just close-minded. Either way, everyone needs to understand that there is no valid reason for hating the LGBT community. They are not robbing anyone. They are not killing anyone. They are not raping anyone. Get over it.


Works Cited

"Homosexuality." plato.stanford. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2015. Web. 21 Feb. 2018.

"File:Blank Map World Secondary Political Divisions.Svg - Wikimedia Commons." Commons.wikimedia. Wikimedia, 2018. Web. 21 Feb. 2018.

Wakefield, Jason. "31 Arguments Against Gay Marriage (And Why They’Re All Wrong)." new humanist. The Rationalist Association, 2012. Web. 9 Feb. 2018.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Mar. 30 2018 at 6:04 am
ChristophL SILVER, Tirana, Other
8 articles 0 photos 1 comment
Great satire :)