Read All About It | Teen Ink

Read All About It

June 23, 2018
By AndySachs SILVER, To, California
AndySachs SILVER, To, California
6 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The world is not a wish-granting factory" The Fault In Our Stars, John Green

With so many huge issues involving the White House and America in general, it seems like news sources and websites have plenty of material to use for articles. So, why must they report about how maybe one celebrity’s skirt size is too small? Or how one singer is gaining weight? There are so many more topics that get underrepresented and yet, there doesn’t seem to be any hesitation.

Anyone can write one of these articles. All you need is a clever title and basic description and boom! Story. Add in an intriguing photo and basic storylines, and you’ve written the media equivalent of a hit pop song. It takes skill and focus to write about the real matters. Research, facts, data, etc. It takes time.

So, instead of reading about which celebrities are feuding with which, let us bring to light today’s matters and what’s really happening so that we, as people, may become aware of ourselves, others, and our surroundings. Change starts with one person and if we emphasize on that, we can talk. And talking gets us more places than cyberbullying through the press ever will do. As Mean Girls quotes, “Calling someone fat won’t make you any skinnier”. That’s the truth and that’s a story I’d like to read.

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