Ethnocentrism in my life | Teen Ink

Ethnocentrism in my life

August 11, 2022
By sophiehoang BRONZE, Ha Noi, Other
sophiehoang BRONZE, Ha Noi, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

   "Don't eat that way, it's dirty, only the people of that country eat like that", "This clothes are so ugly, it looks like the clothes of the ethnic minorities".

   Those are the advices and comments that I sometimes hear from other people and moreover, they usually can not explain why they think their opinions are right. In my opinion, I completely disagree with these opinions at all and above all, it is ethnocentric thinking that affects inter-cultural communication in negative way. I think it is because many people around me as the parts of the Kinh ethnic majority, and they just have learned about the cultures of other ethnic groups only from Kinh's resources and adopted Kinh's perspective. They imposed their thoughts on the customs and practices of other ethnic groups and in short, they have ethnocentric thoughts clearly. A good example of ethnocentrism that I know of is the movie "The Big Fat Greek Wedding". The film clearly reflects the negative impact of ethnocentrism through the story of a Greek family who believed that being Greek was the one and only acceptable way of living. Ethnocentrism makes people completely think that their culture is superior to others and that has become a barrier that prevents many ethnic groups from getting along. Culture is a concept with broad connotations with many different interpretations, related to all aspects of human's material and spiritual life so I completely disagree with how many people express ethnocentrism without a holistic perspective.

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