Time Machine | Teen Ink

Time Machine

November 19, 2018
By Anonymous

Author's note:

its not that good

Stepping through the portal it started to get hot. When i got to the other side I stepped on sand. Sand began to fill my shoe as a sand further. I panicked and started to think of all the things i didn't get to do. I cried for a good bit before i realized that i wasn't sinking anymore. The sand only went up to my ankle. Feeling like an idiot i started moving, my life is a joke. I need to find some shade before i melt. I saw a river in the distance i decided it too early for me to have a mirage I head in that direction. There was a boat in the river that was getting ready to leave. I didn't think i could survive out here by myself so I climb on. The boat  ride was very long and having nothing to do i fell asleep. What was the worst that could happen, they throw me of the boat? When i woke up there was a man poking my face with a stick trying to see if i was alive. I got up and tried to get passed him i realized he had a group with him. They were all looking at me strange. I looked down and forgot i was still wearing modern clothing. I shoved passed them and grabbed some clothes lying nearby. I hid behind a giant bush and changed my clothes, by some miracle they were my size. The docks were full of people going about their day. All i had to do was to blend in. There was a cart of fruit attached to a horse, I figured the most logical place it would go would be into town. Just like the boat i hopped in that cart without anyone noticing and had a free lift into town. The town was even busier than docks. It was less of a town and more like a small city. All of the building were close together but far apart enough that they had small alleyways you could hide in. They had water fountain and great architecture. Walking through i noticed there was a mass of people going into one building. I headed over there to see if i can get a glimpse of what was over there. When i got closer the noise of the crown got louder, they were yelling, clearly very upset about something.

Trying to push through the crown was a lot harder than I initially thought. It was like being in a mosh pit at a rock concert. People were getting pushed down and yelled at, some man lying on the ground got kicked by just about everyone. Being short didn't help my situation, elbows kept flying at my face. By the time i made to the front of the crowd my head was pounding. In the middle of the crowd  were a group of men all trying to fight a lion of with nothing but a spear. Actually not all of them had weapons, some were trying to hit the lions with rocks that were on the ground or with a shield. One of the men managed to wound the lion in it's side. The crowd had mixed emotions some had roared with excitement for the man, the rest were throwing food into the stadium booing and yelling. They clearly wanted the lion to win. The stadium suddenly went silent when the sound of chains echoed through the massive building. The source of the sound was that one of the doors were being raised. The men fighting the lion saw this as an opportunity to escape and all ran to to the door with the giant beast following suit. The audience was ecstatic yelling to run “faster faster” I was cheering too although i didn't know if i was cheering for the lion or the men. I wanted to get a closer look at the action so i pushed my way even further into the crown until i was right up to the edge. The men were right in front of the door about to taste freedom when another lion jumped out. The door was a trap,they were surrounded. Everyone went silent at the twist, but just as fast as the cheering stopped it started again. People kept pushing up to the rail that it broke. I was the only one that fell out of the stage. The only thing i thought of while i was falling was “ wow my life really is a joke”. I expected to hit the hard dirt floor but i felt a soft bed like floor. I looked up and it was my actual bed. Confused i looked up, the portal reopened at just the right time. I just saw the audience of people looking down at me wondering how on earth that could possibly happen. I waved at them with an award smile, some waved back as the portal closed.

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