Arranged Love | Teen Ink

Arranged Love

April 29, 2024
By Anonymous

Author's note:

Love story

In the year 4300-3500 B.C.E. On pangea, there lived a beautiful girl with strawberry - platinum blonde hair she was wearing her favorite dress. It was a navy blue floor length with small snakes stitched on the sleeves. She was as kind as she was beautiful and born to the king and queen of the realm. Her name is Caroline Forbes is currently 18 years old; she was overall a happy girl; her parents had a blissfully happy marriage and on her sixteenth birthday her mother gave her a gift: a book called a story behind the magnificence of the royal family line. The truth behind her magnificent being was that she was born to unite kingdoms. 

One night Caroline went to a party…

She was having so much fun and decided to stay up until she got a flashback.

* Flashback to her 16th birthday *

‘Today is my birthday, mother and father said they have something to tell me. I hope it's not to tell me that I have to go to aunt Isabella’s for the remainder of my schooling’, Carolie thought. Caroline had been so stressed about the upcoming conversation she didn’t notice the magic sprouting from her hands. As she continued to walk to the family-room she then saw a glowing light and she touched it. As she touched it the light grew brighter and changed color as it spoke.

“You’ve been chosen to handle all the power of your ancestral line, be careful with this power and use it wisely.”

She initially thought that was strange even though she was told at a young age that she would be visited by the blindingly bright orb. She was still in shock about having magic even though she knew that magic ran in her family. She saw her mom practice magic with her sisters Hope Andra, Elizabeth and Josette. They had to have known that she would be getting her powers soon. Caroline just didn’t expect it to be so soon.

She always felt left out when her mom called her sisters to go practice magic, and she so badly wished that she was able to learn. They were studious and secretive about what they were doing but she had known for months, they were able to practice magic for months. When she got to the family room she had a strange feeling as if she had this conversation before. Pulling her from her thoughts her mother began to speak.

“Caroline sweetie, your father and I have something to tell you.” 

“Okay…?” Carolie said a bit worried

“Listen, it's about your blood. You’re a tribrid, a mix between  a vampire, werewolf and witch. You just triggered your werewolf side when you were very young.”

Caroline just stood there in sock. As she was about to leave her back was turned and someone stabbed her and a couple hours later she woke up as a tribrid.  * Flashback over * 

On that day she found out that every person in the family has had their wolf side locked away so that they don’t have to find their one true mate while married to whomever the king chooses for them to marry. Caroline had chosen to keep her werewolf side unlocked and choose to find her mate instead of marrying for others to benefit off of. Caroline remembered a passage from the book she was reading. She had read it to a close friend a long time ago.

“Before there was light there were angels, one moment of darkness the next heaven was bright with glorious beings. It was perfect, it did not last. Lucifer revolted against god, a line was drawn in paradise and a war began. Every angel was forced to choose the holiness of heaven or the chaos the royaled outside. One angel refused and believing that the only thing worth fighting for was a force we now call love, classed out of heaven this angel did not fall alone. Every angel who had yet to choose fell in a flash of almighty fury, these are the fallen exiled from heaven. They wonder if the earth is banished until the rebel angel abandons love and takes a side. That was then this is now…”

Caroline remembered how much she loved and still loves that passage. She hoped that one day she would have someone to abandon all they were brought up to believe in and truly love her as she is but alas she felt that her road would be traveled alone and unloved. Caroline was so afraid that no one would love her she cast a spell on her heart to only be unlocked by the one person she would spend the rest of her life with.

Thousands upon thousands of miles away from where Caroline is there is a man about 25 years in age who was listening to his siblings argue while being totally spaced out and dreaming of her. This man's name is Niklaus, Niklaus Mikealson and he was dreaming of his wedding to his beautiful wife that died in his arms. By the time he got to her she was already on death's door. She held on just long enough to say goodbye to her husband that she loved with her entire being. He is wearing pants and a long sleeve shirt with a shark tooth necklace with a black and silver rosary. He is wearing a necklace with rose detailing and a leather bracelet cuff that has not left his wrist since he was turned. He is a hybrid of a vampire and a werewolf, they were chosen to love each other for the rest of time and they didn’t get their forever. He is blaming everyone who didn’t let him come home to her and let them say a proper goodbye. 

* Flashback to 2000-1001 BC in Egypt*

It was a warm and sunny day, not too hot and not too cold . The whole village had to help with the harvest. It was a truly beautiful day. The day was almost as beautiful as her. I had seen her a couple of weeks before my family moved here. She was as bright as the sun and kind as the summer breeze. The birds were singing, it was truly the day of victory to which I dropped down on one knee and proposed I truly love her. Care said yes we got married and that was just the happiest day of my life Niklaus thought. * Flashback over *

Caroline was having dreams and not just normal dreams she was remembering the time she spent with him. He was a true god in flesh. He was the type of gorgeous you only read about in books. She was running through the field of flowers. The grass was soft to the touch with vibrant green color. The man that was chasing her caught her.

“You caught me. What do you want as a reward?” she said

“I was promised a kiss if I caught you.”

 “How many times do I have to tell you I am not interested in kissing you. Are you going to continue to chase me if I do not kiss you.” I said full of worry of what his answer would be.

I know there are much more beautiful and experienced women in the art of kissing in the village who can satisfy his need but I love him, because he is the one I want to spend eternity with. He caught my stubbornness and was always loving in every respect.

“I will chase you until the Earth is dust. I love you.” He said full of passion

“Then you may have your kiss.” I said full of confidence.

In another dream she was dancing with the same man full of joy. Feeling that his father would be cruel to him later and begging him to be careful. In the last memory of the night she was saying her vows to the same man and becoming one. Dancing with him felt all the joy in the world, even though she couldn’t keep him safe from his father. Their wedding was the stuff of dreams with beautiful combinations of flowers that was the very definition of their love.

I woke up so dizzy and unaccustomed to the dream I tried to piece together who that man should be. As I remember the ‘dream’ wedding I look back at all the weddings I have been to it saddens me to think I will never have what my friends have. Caroline thought as she was off guard a man she barely recognized came in and killed her. The guard guarding her door walked and stabbed her in the chest with a silver sword coated in red oak ash. Carolie bleeds out full of regret for the things she wasn’t able to do. She suddenly remembered her husband and the love of her life, her Niklaus. Her last words were full of agony, and regret to not be able to see her husband before she had a great reset.

“NIK!!!!!!” Caroline screamed with her dying breath. Caroline's parents were starting to get worried about her because she would always make an appearance during breakfast or lunch. The next day her parents went to go find her. They found her eventually and had to bury her in the same day the fun, bubbly persona of a girl that everyone knew died and would not be heard or seen from again until years later. 

Niklaus had felt a surge of pain in his heart and never thought he would feel that ever again the last time he felt that was on his way home to her. With her dying breath she told him to forget about her and to be happy, but how could he when all that he had ever wanted was dying in front of him. He promised that however long it takes he would wait to be reunited with her. Years had passed and his temper had become truly awful without her to curve it; it would become a gruesome sight to behold unless in the presence of her. Years after her death his siblings couldn’t handle his outrages anymore so they asked a coven of witches to perform a memory spell. He would get them back when they find the right reincarnation of his beloved. His siblings were to the point of giving up until they heard the screams of their brother and knew that the love of his life was gone. 

In the year 4000-642 B.C. Caroline was playing in the garden with her little cousins preparing them to be kind and compassionate in everything they do. She was wearing her favorite gown, a cotton blue floor length with a pair of black flats. She started having flashes of life times in love, death and in misery. On the birthdays leading up to her 22nd birthday she kept getting flashes of a life she hadn’t lived. She remembered gorgeous weddings, and ceremonies that weren’t being experienced. Shortly after her 23rd birthday Ronezmay died at the hand of her guard Jackson. Her past lives started to flash before her eyes for the second time. She remembered her first and only love, Niklaus. 

That evening about 500 meters away in a guest house in the woods near the castle that Caroline had lived her entire life Niklaus was asleep and woke up in agony as she died once again. He was curious as to why this time he woke up and dreamed of a person killing him with a sword coated in red oak ash. He went to a witch to see what was happening to him. Hours later he found out that his mate had died and he was connected to her. The only way to stop the connection is to disconnect from all reality and turn off your emotions and wait for her to fulfill her destiny.

Years later in the year 400 -1919 Caroline was running through the woods feeling free and full of life. Caroline was turning 17 soon. Caroline was traveling Europe and loving all the sites until she saw a man that looked to be she felt as if she could take on the world. She saw how the world looked and constantly read stories about knights saving their damsels.

Not too far from where Caroline is, Niklaus was becoming something very dark; he started to become a type of evil that is not told in stories but the type that people just know to fear. So many years had passed for him he didn’t know who to trust. He became paranoid in the literal sense of the word. Niklaus was being swarmed in memories of this one person. The memories themselves looked to be of happier times but why couldn’t he remember them. All he could remember was the endless abuse from his so-called father.

One night she remembered the promise she made to herself to not fall for a guy who gives her the tiniest amount of attention. On her 18th and 19th birthday she was granted the gift of having learned the lesson the hard way the Prince from not too far Jackson Antony Kenner was a proposed match and the marriage was awful. It ended up being the one thing that slowly caused her to become distant, unfeeling, and selfish. This caused her to feel more and even more alone. Her soul saw how she was and decided to increase the amount of  memories she would get. The memories were the one thing that gave her hope. On her 20th birthday her husband dropped dead of a mysterious illness and will never be heard from again until a year later. She was now considered a widow. She loved the freedom she was granted until another husband was presented to her on her 21st birthday. She instantly feared for her life. His name was Barry Jackson Kenner. He looked just like Jackson; he had the same evilness that spewed from his very soul. She instantly went to go run, but the guards stopped her. He instantly was proud of his affect on her, she remembered the time where her mother and father taught her some self defense. That was the day her parents went to visit an old friend of theirs but never made it. Caroline remembered how happy her parents made her and how it hurt to lose them. She instantly thought if she bolted she could make it.

“Don’t. Don’t even think about it, you won’t make it, you will die and I won’t shed a tear.” the cruel man said

“What?” Caroline questioned knowing what he ment.

“Remember me my sweet wife, I will not stay dead.” He said

“Jackson but you are supposed to be dead.” she said, still questioning if she could scream for help.

“I know but you can’t really kill me unless you have a silver dagger.”

The following months it was torture she constantly found her self wanting to escape from this prison unable to be free and find the missing piece of her puzzle. More months passed and she was becoming the way she was before and truly accepted that she was trapped. One day she was allowed to go to the market and she met someone who reminded her of a time in her life that was easy.

Niklaus needed to relax so he left the castle and went to the market to calm down. He saw a beautiful woman and wondered why she was sad. He followed her and found out she was the same woman who was in his dreams for the past 1042 years. He saw she was stuck in a marriage she didn’t want and for some reason he wanted to help. He saw she needed help so on her 22nd birthday he sent her a gift.

On Caroline’s 22nd birthday someone gifted her a silver dagger, she used it to free herself in front of the monstrosity that was her husband. Months later she met the stranger and she saw there was something in him that was lonely. Over the next few months she found comfort in meeting him to talk about anything and everything. On her 23rd birthday she completed the transition into the tribe by drinking blood. Meaning she already activated her werewolf side and was killed with vampire blood in her system. She was a tribrid. She went to him to tell him and he told her that he was a hybrid and she was relieved because she started to let herself fall in love with him without realizing it. 

Not many miles away Jackson had climbed out of his grave and swore to the almighty heavens that he would get his revenge.

Caroline had rejected 5 very eligible suitors for the idea of love. One day the king of the realm had enough and sent out invitations to two kingdoms with sons who would make a perfect match for the princess. The prince's names were Niklaus and Jackson. Caroline was so against the arrangement but since she was a woman she had no power, and she was slowly getting closer to Niklaus. Since the princess was 23 and couldn’t make a decision for who she was going to marry, the Kingdoms launched a war to win the hand of the princess. 

Niklaus had proposed that he was the one for her but she declined.

“I love you but I can’t marry you…” Caroline said, full of tears.

“Why.”Niklaus asked.

“I don’t want to get married for the wrong reasons.”

After that Niklaus walked away to fight in a war to win Caroline’s heart. After 5 years this full blown war over who would be my husband was tiring and My father was getting restless he was to the point of sending me to a nunnery, Caroline thought. 

“If you can’t choose, I will choose for you and I can guarantee that you won’t like my choice.”

One day Caroline got all her memories from her past lives and chose Niklaus because he was willing to die for her and she realized that she will always be in love with him. She speedily gets on her horse and goes to find Niklaus on the battlefield. While riding her horse she gets injured and is sent to the nurses tent.

Nklaus is fighting Jackson and gets his memories back and gets very angry with him for hurting his Rose. Jackson gets the upper hand and stabs Niklaus. Niklaus is sent to the Nurses tent, when he wakes up he finds an unconscious Caroline.

“Come on, wake up my love. I can't wait for you any more. I have waited almost 2 centuries to be with you. I love you.” Niklaus said full of love.

With that Niklaus kissed her full of love and passion. Caroline started to stir and she woke up and smiled at Niklaus.

“You really have to work on your timing, my love. Remember no one can separate you from me forever. I love you and always will.” Caroline said, full of love.

“What happened?” Caroline asked, full of worry.

Well you died and I waited for you to come back but I had a coven of witches erase you so that I don’t end up killing a lot of people.” Niklaus said full of regret.

“I told you to let me go and to live your life.” Caroline said.

“I loved you too much to do that.”Niklaus said, full of love.

“Do you still love me?” Caroline asked, full of anxiety. 

“Yes I will always love you until the end of time and even longer.” Niklaus said, full of love in his heart.

Niklaus kissed her and she kissed back they kissed like they spent eons apart. They missed each other so much it practically hurt they stopped their kiss and let up for air.

“I forgot how much I enjoy your kisses. It practically made me lose breath.” Caroline said.

Niklaus simply nodded and wanted to have her since it has been so long. Niklaus was kissing her neck when she stopped him.

“What’s wrong?” He asked full of concern.

“It's just that I still want to be married to you when we decide to give ourselves to each other. I love that you are still the same as when we were human but I don’t want to rush this. I want to take our time.” Caroline said full of every emotion.

“Care we are married and I want you so very much. How many times do I need to prove that to you.” Niklaus said while kissing Carolines neck knowing full well what her nickname did to her.

“Nik, I know that we are married but you also have to remember that This body is not the same as its original form. So in this body we have to wait even though it is killing me to not have you with me. In this time period we have to be careful people here are even more judgemental than they were 2000 years ago.” Caroline said knowing how much of an effect she had on him.

“I know my love. It just has been a long time since I have held you in my arms and have kissed you. I have missed you more than you will ever know and it kills me to know that we have to wait again.” Niklaus said full of love.

“I know but this time I want to do it right and wait to be with you and have your children later when we feel that we are ready for them instead of being forced to get married when we’re not ready. I love that we were pulled together even if it was too soon when we were human.” Caroline said, full of melancholy.

“Nonsense my love we were perfect for each other then and now. I loved you the first moment I met you. Even if I was brutally beaten when I got home It was worth it to be near you and to be able to love you forever. If I had to go back I wouldn’t change a thing. Even if it meant I would die, because I love you.” Niklaus said full of love.

Niklaus was now staring at her lips and Caroline was doing the same; they were a couple of inches apart. They now closed the distance between them with a kiss and just let their feelings take hold and they did exactly that. The kiss was full of passion and lust. They were telling each other what they couldn’t express. When they pulled apart they were catching their breaths when someone caught them and wanted to 

“This is a torcher . I want to be able to kiss you in public and hold you without fear of being caught. Let's run away together and get married.” Niklaus said

“What!? We can’t! There are a multitude of things that could go wrong. I know I want to but we can't. It's just a part of the rules at this time.” Caroline said full of compassion.

“Do you even want to get married?”Niklaus said, full of wonder.

“Of course I do! What kind of question is that I have wanted to marry you since the very first time I saw you but I knew that was moving a bit too fast and I told myself to take my time with you. Just be patient with me. I know that I can’t always be worth it but I promise I am this time.” Caroline said full of worry wondering if he truly meant what he said when they were human.

“I always am. You are always worth it. I just want to make you mine.” Niklaus said full of love.

“Okay. So do you want to travel the world with me? Let's go see Paris, Spain, Romania, the UK, Ireland, Scotland, Italy, and Bulgaria?” Caroline asked full of wonder for the world around her.

“Of course I will go anywhere with you. I love you so much Rose.” Niklaus said full of love.

With that Caroline hugged her husband. She loved that he made her feel the most beautiful, and his arms made her feel the most safe in all the same way that made her fear Jackson. The one difference between Niklaus and Jackson was that Niklaus was the one she wanted and Jckson forced himself on her and made her lose what very little dignity she had left. 

“Then let's go. I want to see the whole world with you.” Caroline said, full of love.

As they traveled they got married and realized that they could hear each other's thoughts, and they knew that they could feel each other's pain which is why he felt her pain everytime she died.

After their trip they ventured into the states and saw Niklaus’ siblings. Niklaus was well aware that his siblings knew that Caroline was the one causing him to wake up in pain and saw it as a betrayal. Niklaus knew that if he had told his family about Roe and about the memories they would constantly be in his way and he would’ve never met her at the market that day. Waking up Niklaus saw his beautiful wife, she was just as beautiful as the day he met her just a bit older. He started to kiss her as he did so Caroline started to stir just like she did the day on the battlefield when they reunited after centuries apart. He started to lay kisses on her shoulder and she woke up and brought her hands to both sides of his face and brought his face to hers and kissed him with all she had.

“If I wake up this way every morning I will be very spoiled.” Caroline said, full of love.

“Indeed but I would love to spoil you for the rest of your life. I have spent so much time away from you I just want to show you how much I love you. I will continue to love you forever.” Niklaus was full of love and lust for his wife, relieved to have her in his arms after spending so much time apart.

Several hours later Caroline had not been informed that she would have to meet his family while they were in the Louisiana territory. They were at a party when Niklaus was bombarded by his siblings Freya, Finn, Elijah, Rebekah, Kol and Henrik along with their significant others.

“I knew you would come.” Freya said as she was speaking she saw a woman by Niklaus’ side and how he would not let go of her even if she would ask him to. She suspected something but before she could speak she saw a glare from the sun on the woman's hand while she was holding Niklaus’ arm. Before Freya could ask any questions Rebekah spoke.

“Told you to pay up.” Rebekah said full of innocence. As she went to all of the boys they gave her the thing that gambled away. They all handed her a slip of paper that said ‘This slip is good for one use and one day of bossing the losers of this particular bet.’

They all wondered who the mystery person was who was beside Niklaus. As Caroline was curious to find out who Freya, Finn, Elijah, Rebekah, Kol and Henriks significant others were. They spent hours introducing each of their significant others and getting to know one another/catching up on the things they had missed.

The following years Niklaus was happy but was constantly being pulled into another conversation with his siblings. He was also competing for Carolines attention. He was beginning to think that things were easier when they were on the road in Europe. After a great many years Niklaus was finally able to relax with his wife in his bed.  He started to kiss her slowly as he did this Caroline started to sir, and as he ventured to her neck she slowly woke up. When she woke she put both of her hands on either side of his head and pulled him to meet her lips in a loving and lustful kiss. 

“Honey what are you doing not that I’m complaining it's just we haven’t been able to finish this encounter since we got here.” Caroline said as she wanted him to keep on kissing her.

“I know but I have a city to run, as you may know my queen.” Niklaus said he kissed down her neck to her jaw. 

“I know you are a busy man but you were my husband first, remember…” Caroline said as she was holding back moans so that she wouldn’t get carried away. She knew that his siblings would come and knock as a way to interrupt their time together.

“I know but now that I am a king I want you. As I have always wanted you.” Niklaus said as if right on cue as things were about to get heated a knock interrupted them. Both Caroline and Niklaus groaned and Caroline answered the door to see who it was. To her surprise when she was suspecting one of Niklaus' siblings it was Katerina. 

“If you two can come and join the rest of us in the dining room that would be much appreciated.” Katerina said just as politely as if I were to be speaking to Elijah.

“Ok, be down there soon.” I said. Caroline turned to Niklaus to tell him to put a shirt on and to help her with her corset stings. Niklaus started to kiss Caroline and she was starting to forget about the family meeting. Another knock interrupted them and they stopped and finished getting dressed. Niklaus and Caroline were still in the blissful stage of their marriage. Caroline has always wondered how long this stage lasts. She is in no rush to end it because she is in love with her husband. As they were going down the stairs Kol was complaining about how long they were taking. 

“Excuse me if I want to spend time with my husband. I don’t get to see him as much as I used to.” Caroline said full of sassy confidence. 

“You had from the middle ages/Medieval times (Dark ages), the renaissance, reformation and enlightenment, the protestant reformation, the Georgian era, the tudor dynasty, and the stuart period. Excuse us if we want to talk with our brother.” Kol said as a comeback not wanting to spoil Niklaus’ surprise for Caroline. Niklaus knew she wanted a wedding with all their family and friends but didn’t have the luxury because they got married at the very last minute on their trip through Europe. On that day he made a promise that he didn’t intend to break his promise to have his wife’s dream wedding as she imagined it. As time moved on the secret was becoming even harder to keep hidden from Caroline. Not too far from where the group is Mikael was tracking his children with the help of his wife Ester. They were plotting to kill their children to reset the balance of nature. 

“Well you had him for a thousand years while I was being killed.” Caroline said as she was being comforted by Niklaus.

“My love you will get to have me soon and I hope we talk about the future of a little one. When we are done here I plan on fulfilling all the promises I made to you on our wedding day. I need to talk with you in private.” Niklaus whispered in my ear while rubbing my arm to sooth me from biting Kol. A couple hours later everyone left to do their own thing. Niklaus and Caroline walked up to their bedroom to discuss what he wanted to discuss with her earlier.

“Now that we are alone, I wanted to ask you something…”Niklaus said rather anonymously. 

“Okay what do you want to talk about other than the possibility of futuristic children with me. I just don’t think I am ready to have children because of what happened the first time.” Caroline said still in pain for her first child almost 2000 years ago.

“I understand my love. Just know I will always be there for you. Always have and always will be no matter what. I love you.” Niklaus said while looking a Carolines lips. As he finished his speech Caroline was filled with love for the man in front of her and she knew she made the right decision all those years ago. When she realizes that Niklaus is looking at her lips she pulls him in for an intense kiss that blows all of the other kisses away. This one makes her knees tremble and butterflies appear in her stomach. Caroline is so in love with her husband then  after what seems to be hours of kissing she breaks apart from her husband. To take in some fresh air. Caroline Is so worried about losing another child so she just doesn't want to go through that type of pain again. Niklaus understands his wifes hesitation having a family with him; he is also quite scared of losing their child or something going wrong but he will wait forever if he has to because he knows that she is worth every minute of waiting. Niklaus has known this since the first time he met her. 

The year is 1919 and everyone has been  happy New Orleans has been thriving. Niklaus and Caroline have become even more happier than before.  As it became morning Niklaus started to kiss his wife like he had been doing for the last 1514 years. Just like the first time Caroline starts to stir in her sleep and slowly wakes up and pulls his head to her lips to kiss them.

“Good morning my love.” Niklaus said. Caroline nodded trying to hold back her moans. 

“I have a surprise for you as it is nearing our 1515th anniversary. I got us tickets to the opera.” Niklaus said while Caroline was trying to search for the right words. Being married to Niklaus has been the best 1515 years of her life. Caroline was wondering if he got them on the same day as Elijah. Elijah got tickets for the rest of the family. Throughout the day Both Caroline and Niklaus thought they were being watched but when they turned around one was there so they just brushed it off. Later that evening They got into their seats and waited for the opera to start. Caroline was looking for any of the other Mikaelsons but could find no one she thought was odd. 

“Do you know if your siblings left the house?” Caroline asked full of concern looking down at her husband as he was kissing her neck.

“They actually left before us. Do you not see them my love.” Niklaus answered and then went back to kissing his wife's neck.

“Don’t and I don’t understand.” Caroline said as she pushed Niklaus off her so they could start looking for his family. 

“If you don’t want to come I will look for Elijah and you stay here if one of them comes looking for one of us and I’m not back. Okay?” Caroline said as she left. Niklaus nodded. Caroline found Elijah; he was gray and desiccated. A few minutes after waiting Niklaus started to get antsy. Then he heard a familiar voice that he thought he hoped he would never hear again. The voice belonged to Mikael.

"I would advise against trying to flee, boy. I can drive this into your heart before you can even think of getting to your feet, and I don't want you to die yet." Mikael said full of hate.

"Father--" Niklaus said, full of fear of what would happen next.

"’Father?"’ Haha! Still clinging to that word after all these years, a bastard desperate for a daddy? I wonder if your real father would be as embarrassed as I was of you before I discovered you were not mine. Most likely. (Angry, Niklaus is about to turn around but Mikael stops him) Oh, oh. Uh-uh. Easy now, boy. Don't worry. Death will come, but we need to have a little chat before you shuffle off your immortal coil."Mikeal said, still his voice filled with vengeance.

"Any words we have for each other have been spoken long ago. But, know this-- I am no longer the animal begging for scraps of your affection. I will die knowing my hatred for you was just. I will feel proud of all I have achieved here. So, Mikael, if you're going to kill me, then get on with it." Niklaus said feeling proud hoping that Caroline would understand.

"Au contraire, Niklaus. Some things remain unsaid. For instance, you were right to be proud of your achievement here. As I walked the streets, your name was spoken of in reverent tones by the city's finest. So, after I kill you, I will remain here in New Orleans until every last person who remembers you is dead. The deeds of the mighty Niklaus will be remembered by no one and you, boy, will simply never have existed. (The orchestra begins to warm up in front of the stage) Ah. The grand show. (Mikael relaxes, pulling the stake away from Klaus as the lights go down. He leans forward and taps Klaus' shoulder) Oh, I made some alterations in your honor. You'll love it." Mikeal said cockingly

 "And what a show it was."Niklaus said as look for his wife and family. Caroline was on stage but walking and looking frantically for her husband.

While Mikael and Niklaus were talking Caroline found everyone outside of the opera and thought it was suspicious that they wouldn’t be in their seats but then she has another one of her deja vu feelings. She told everyone to stay put and went back for her husband.

“NIKLAUS!!!!!” Caroline yelled feeling relieved when she found him with the rest of the family.

“Oh my God Niklaus you scared me. Never do that again. ” Caroline said as she angrily shoved him then hugged her husband 

“I know. I won’t and I’m okay, I told you you won’t be able to get rid of me that easily.” Niklaus said as he hugged his wife thankful for the fact that Mikeal didn’t hurt her. Mikeal set the opera house on fire with everyone inside killing thousands of people.

“Who is leaving the opera?” Caroline said noticing it was on fire.

“We have to go now.” all the Mikaelsons said frantically as they grabbed their significant others and fled the city. Before they separated they agreed to meet up in Chicago.

Niklaus and Caroline enjoyed the fact that they didn’t separate. Caroline being the more not from her time wife she is she started to ask a lot of questions. Niklaus answered all of them and Caroline saw the fear in his eyes. She only knew of one person to put that much fear into him; it was his father Caroline knew Mikael was after Niklaus. It terrified her to think about the times she walked in on both Mikael and Niklaus having one of their ‘small disputes’.

“Nik you know you can talk to me right. You may not want to talk but whenever you do I am right here. Always remember that. ” Caroline said, full of concern and worry for her husband.

“I know, let's go meet up with the rest of the family.”Niklaus saud full of love and panic.

“Okay.” Caroline said, full of love and concern. She had never seen her husband act this way before.

After meeting everyone Niklaus’ panic toned down and was focused on his wife. He snuck her away to tell her everything Mikeal had said to him.

“Umm wow. I don’t know what to say. I hope you know that if I had met your real father I feel like he would be proud of the man you are today.” Caroline said as she pulled her husband to come dance with her.  As the Night ended Niklaus and Caroline discussed where they should go next Caroline had pointed out that she has a list of places she wants to go but she will wait until he is ready to travel again.

Nine years later and everything in Chicago has been perfect. The bar’s owner Gloria had caught me singing and now I am her opening act for her other bands. This evening has got me jumping and I don’t know why I just feel like something bad is going to happen and there is nothing I can do to stop it. This evening is supposed to be great. I will be wearing a dress that has tassels on it  and Niklaus will be wearing a suit.

As the evening progressed I started to feel more and more aware of my surroundings. As the evening became more and more uneventful. Then I saw it was Mikael, it looked like he didn’t see me. I have to go warn the others. When I got back to Glorias everyone was kind of  within the same area. I told everyone I saw Mikeal and we should go. Freya, Finn, Eljiah, Rebekah, Kol and Henrik all pulled their significant others close and snapped their necks.

“My love listen to me I can’t let you run free when Mikael is around I almost lost you last year. I promise to make it up to you.” Niklaus said full of worry that I might not forgive him for what he is about to do. Before I had time to think and tell him that we will figure this out together my neck was snapped. 

Niklaus was full of regret but knew it had to be done because if he gets a hold of Caroline he would use her and Niklaus doesn't want to lose now that they finally got their chance to be together. Niklaus will do anything to protect Caroline even if she might hate him for the rest of their lives. Niklaus and his siblings carried their significant others to their coffins and went on their way to find a way to stop Mikeal. As years went on the Mikealsons were growing weary of if there was a way to stop their father. Then suddenly they found a way but it was dangerous. 

It is now 1950 the Mikaelsons have now put Mikeal in his coffin and burned it. All the Mikaelsons are now waking their significant others. Niklaus is worried about how Caroline would react. He opened  the coffin and gave Caroline blood to wake her up, shortly after her eyes opened and hugged her husband. Caroline was now debating with herself on giving him a chastising him, but as she was deciding Niklaus kissed her. Putting everything he had into the kiss.

Three years later they traveled to Uzbekistan and Russia to see more of the world. All seemed to be well until Esther opened her husband’s charred coffin and woke him up. 10 years later after Mikeal was finally killed Niklaus finally got married in front of their family and friends. 

In the year 2009-2030 Caroline and Niklaus were traveling the states. They went to Hawaii, New York, California, Vermont, Maine, Washington, Mystic Falls, Chicago and back to New Orleans to reclaim their home. As time went on Niklaus and Caroline’s love grew and grew into something even greater. In the 2600s Niklaus and Caroline go on the honeymoon they have always wanted. They go to Tahiti and the Caribbean Island. Years later they have their first child and they couldn’t be happier. They decide to name her Roenezmay.

To Be Continued…

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