Revenge | Teen Ink


May 9, 2018
By Anonymous

Honey brown eyes glared at the familiar apartment in front of her from a large green bush. Its clay almost brown bricks beginning to crumble, with ivy starting to climb its rough walls. To the left was a rather large oak tree with strong and wide branches with small bushes circled around it. The building had four floors with each floor having a small porch with white oak. She forced her vision to the room on the top left where her target was located. The room still had lights on and was the only one despite it being 11:30 pm. After a few minutes the light finally went out signaling that it was almost time. She moved her black scarf covering her mouth with a small smirk on her face. ‘Soon’ she thought deviously.
“So can we go or what?” a voice interrupted her. Petra sighed deeply as she looked behind her to glare at her younger sister. “We need to be patient and make sure he is asleep.” She replied coolly looking back at the building. She heard a voice grumble behind her and Julia was suddenly in front of her. “I don’t want to be here all night though.” She whined, with big green puppy eyes. Julia could have anyone fail for her puppy eyes even Marcus but not Petra. She wasn’t that foolish to buy into her sisters demands.
“She is right you know.” A monotone voice spoke for the first time since they left campus. Marcus’s brown eyes held boredom that he had so much better to do then break into a apartment. He like the rest of his sisters was only wearing black but had a black bandana to cover his mouth rather than a scarf. Julia nodded and ran ahead to the building with Marcus trailing behind her on a slower pace, leaving their older sister bewilderment for the sudden change in leadership. She quickly stood up from the bush some leaves in her hair. “Remember the plan guys!” She whispered yelled seeing the two start to get in positions.
The plan had only one goal. Get back Cocco. Cocco is a small brown maltese with puffy cloud that almost resembles a cloud. He in short was adorable and hers. However her ex boyfriend Jason decided to keep the small dog even though it was Petra’s money that got her. The name Jason left a bad taste in her mouth just thinking about. It was a huge mistake to trust him. He was the arrogant big-shot jock when she was a workaholic that worked her butt to met ends mets. The first few months started good with the cheap dates and lovey dovey nicknames, but soon it started to go down high. He partied from dawn to dusk and could barely keep a job for a week. Then one night when she came back from a particular long hour work she was met with her new ex boyfriend and a random women lip locked on the couch. She broke up with him immediately not giving him a chance to apologize. He only made excuses to why it was her fault for not being there. The one thing she regrets was not grabbing Cocco from the once shared apartment when she left. That was 3 weeks ago. She was ready to take back her dog with the help of her oblivious younger half-sister and boring younger brother.
‘I'm starting to regret choosing them for the rescue mission.’ Petra thought as she walked to the large oak tree where her sister was. The plan was to have Marcus go in the building and hack the security system in the apartment. Petra would follow him to go through the door, but she remembered that their front door made a very loud squeak and she wasn’t risking it. So she would have to climb the tree and open the windows and the leave through the elevator. When this was going on Julia would be stationed outside and make sure no one was coming in. specifically police officers since Jason’s father was the chief in their little town. Great.
Petra looked up at the large tree trying to decide where she should start climbing, while giving quick glances to Julia who was messing with the walkie talkie. She then started to climb by wrapping her arms around the branch and lifted her body forward. She continued this process until she reached the last branch that was close to the window. The problem was that it was a little thinner. She grabbed on to it and lifted her body up but as soon as she did the branch below her gave in and fell down to the ground with a ‘thud’. Petra began to scramble to wrap her body around the branch.
When she succeed she felt the walkie talkie vibrated and pulled it from her hoodie pocket. “So was that apart of the plan?” Julia asked. Petra sighed deeply again. “Yes because I wanted the who building to be awake when I broke it.” Petra replay sassly glaring at the window and walkie-talkie. Petra heard her sister grumble at her sassines as she placed the phone in her pocket and began to shuffle to the window. She then sat on the branch and pulled out the walkie-talkie.
“Is everything all set Marcus.” She asked. Petra wasn’t going to lie she felt energized from the sudden adrenaline rush of breaking into her ex’ apartment to steal back her dog. “Yes.” He replied boringly. Before she shut off her phone Julia voice quickly came on.
“Are you sure you got this Petra?”
“Of course I can do this.”
“We all know that is a lie.” Marcus cut in before shutting of his device. The brown haired girl simply rolled her eyes and pulled out a screw driver from her bag getting to work on the window. She made quick work of the screws and tossed them in her bag and lifted the window. It was hard given she never really worked on her arm strength but she opened it enough for her to sneak into. She gracefully landed on the dark wooden floors and looked at the familiar surroundings until they landed on her target. Their on a small white doggy bed was Cocco sound asleep. She walked carefully to the pup and knelt down to pet his head. The small dog woke and jumped up at his old owner licking her face happily. Petra immediately picked up the pup and began to maneuver with ease to the entrance door.
However along the way she didn’t see the new coffee table that held a white clay vase, that fell down when she bumped into. All time seemed to freeze when the vase fell, its glass pieces scattering to the floor, the only thing moving was the small dog’s tail. Petrea heard movement coming from the bedroom and immediately took off to the door opening it without a care. She slammed it loudly and ran to her right were the elevators were. When they came into view she noticed one was still open and ran like a cheetah to the elevator. Just before the powerful doors closed she shimmed into them without a problem. Before they closed she heard the word “robber” from the direction she came from and knew who it was. She smirked in victory and looked at her small dog who seemed equally as happy. It was well until someone coughed. She quickly turned to the left and realized that she wasn’t alone.
There to her left was a rather short man who was taller than her by only a few inches, with sea green eyes. He like her was wearing black clothing but had a green scarf. The only odd thing about this man was his hair that was dyed bright neon pink. The more she looked at him it seemed that something was moving in his bag but she decided to brush it off as her imagination. He to had his eyes on her and scanning her figure until they landed on the small brown dog that made him flinch.
‘Must be afraid of dogs.’ Petra thought as she waited for the elevator to go down to be freed from this awkward metal box. It was quiet until the elevator stopped suddenly causing a small turmoil in the ground. Both of them fell on the thin carpet landing on their faces. All of a sudden the man’s bag moved violently until a small white cat with black ears popped up from the bag wondering what was going on. Until they landed on the small dog. Petra and the man stood frozen in fear of what could happened nobody moved a single muscle in fear of what happened. Then the small cat padded up to dog sniffing his head. Cocco responded by giving a big wet lick to the cat who simply meowed at his actions. Both pet owners sighed in relief as they both stood up.
“I thought that it was going to be a mess in here.” The pink haired man said bashfully looking at the two animals. Petra merely shrugged and went to the elevator buttons finding one to get her out of this. Her eyes landed on a red emergency button and pressed it quickly. “What are you doing.” The man asked questing her. “Getting out of her.” Petra mumbled moving to the far corner of the elevator away from him. “So why do you have a dog? What’s her name?” He pesterd her. Petra did not like the energy this guy was giving off it reminded her of Julia. ‘Who can be happy stuck in an elevator with a totally stranger.’ she thought bitterly looking at the man.
“I stole him back and his name is Cocco.” She replied bitterly looking at the small animals playing on the other side of the elevator. She expected the man to go into a full lecture or call the cops when she spoke but he surprised her when he spoke.
“Oh you to?” Petra looked back at the man and gave him a weird look wondering if now she should call the cops. “What?” She asked curiously. Petra would have ignored him completely but having nothing else better to do stuck in the elevator she might as well humor him. She saw his eye glow with amusement. “Revenge.” He said pointing to his pink hair, grinning. Petra made a small ‘o’ with her mouth. It was silence for a moment until he decided to sit close next to her causing the woman to shoot him a glare and move further away from. He didn’t seem to mind and smiled at her. “Names Fin. Why did you steal a dog stranger?” he asked happily to the much less than happy girl. Petra decided to ignore her and try to see if the walkie talkies would work. As she was working Fin decided to hum a tune that seemed nice but really just made Petra more upset with him
“Will you stop that annoying tune.” She snapped giving up on the walkie-talkie as it only continued to buzz. The man unfazed turned to her. “Only if you answer my questions.” he smirked mischievously not detering from her hard cold gaze. Petra scoffed at his attitude. “Fine shesh. Im Petra and I stole back my dog.” Fin seemed happy with that answer but petrea could almost feel another question coming from him. “Who stole him?” He asked.
‘Knew it’ Petra thought rolling her eyes. “My ex she simply replied. Fin nodded his understandment and the elevator grew quiet again. For some reason Petrea didn’t like it being quiet with Fin around despite meeting for however long they've been in the elevator. “Want to know why I stole Scotty.” Fin asked gesturing to the cat that was chasing Cocco’s small tail. Petra shrugged her shoulders. “Revenge right?” She replied a little curious why his hair was bright pink. However she didn’t expect him to talk fast and ramble. She was able to get bits and pieces like “Prank-Brother-hair and cat.” Petra could take bits and pieces to make what happened. When he finished they fell into a more peaceful silence that was rudely interrupted by the elevator finally moving down. Fin stood up and stuck a hand to Petra face. She gladly took it and stood up on the floor, dusting herself. She looked on the ground to see that Cocca and that Scotty where curled up each other. She picked up the small dog and cat and handed Scotty to Fin who took him quickly. And the door’s open.
Behind the doors was Julia and Marcus who seemed to be relieved. Behind them was a tall man with green eyes and some baggy PJ’s. Something odd about him was that his hair was dyed bright purple poorly with some dye on his cheek. He also seemed more mad than happy with his green eyes blazing at Fin. Julia attacked her older sister in a bear hug realing Cocco to the ground only to be picked up by Marcus. “Are you okay?” She asked worriedly looking into her sisters honey brown eyes. Petra eyes soften for a moment. “Of course I am.” She replied with a snarky tone. Before the younger siblings asked her more questions she looked to Fin and his brother Derek.
“You break into my house, dye my hair and steal my cat! What the heck man.” Derek shouted at Fin who didn’t even flinch. “You dyed my hair pink.” Fin argued holding Scotty closer to his chest. “So that means you steal my cat?” Derek roared.
“Yes.” Fin replied quick a small smirk on his face.
Fin took a quick glance at the exit that was behind Petra and immediately ran that direction. Before he left the door he gave a piece of paper to Petra and booked it out of the building with his brother chasing him. Leaving the other’s behind. “Who was that?” Marcus asked calmly like what happened was totally normal. Petra shrugged her shoulders and opened the paper. Written in green ink was his name and a number that she could assume was his. “Aw does someone have a boyfriend.” Julia teased at her sister, who just rolled her eyes but lifted the scarf to cover her pink cheeks from her siblings. She stuck the note in her pocket and took Cocco from Marcus. Nodding her head as a thank you and together they left the building. Then they heard police sirens coming toward their direction…..

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