Path of the Waves: The Tale of Caleb Morrings | Teen Ink

Path of the Waves: The Tale of Caleb Morrings

March 8, 2014
By Thalion SILVER, Peoria, Illinois
Thalion SILVER, Peoria, Illinois
9 articles 3 photos 53 comments


Caleb had been on the Leopard for almost a year. Born a sailor, Caleb could have loved every minute of his enlistment, except for the harsh discipline. He was a fast learner, and soon realized that if you did everything you Captain told you quickly and silently, you would be alright. He had already witnessed a few other men who had dared to show their displeasure at the hardly-edible rations and back-breaking work. All of these men were either whipped or given smaller food rations. If it hadn’t been for this strict and hard leadership, Caleb could have enjoyed his time. After all, he was on the sea. But the voices of the men around his constantly reminded his that he was sailing under a British flag.

“Hey, Will!” he called, “Lend me a hand over here for a second.”
“Yes, sir!” William sang out, standing straight at attention and snapping his hand quickly to his forehead in an exaggerate salute, “Right away, sir!” Caleb laughed and rolled his eyes.
“What is it, Commander Morrings? How can a simple sailor like me-self aid such a man as you?”
“First of all, you can start by holding this rope taunt while I tie. Then you may shine my boots and press my uniform.” Caleb said haughtily, struggling to keep a straight face. William looked at him steadily.
“Oh no, sir,” he shook his head slowly, “I couldn't do that. Why, I'd make such a mess with your pretty boots and all. And I know how much you love to play with the boot-shine. Painting pictures in it and such!”
“Fine then. Just the rope. But hurry up with it! Captain should be coming around for inspection anytime now.”

Just then, heavy boot-steps echoed on the deck behind Caleb. He spun around and came face to face with the Captain. The tall, heavy-set man frowned beneath his thick brown beard, his heavy eyebrows coming together and merging to make one long, bushy line. Even after a year, the Captain still managed to strike fear into Caleb's heart.


Path of the Waves: The Tale of Caleb Morrings

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This book has 5 comments.

Thalion SILVER said...
on May. 4 2014 at 5:24 pm
Thalion SILVER, Peoria, Illinois
9 articles 3 photos 53 comments
All right... There you go! Five or six more chapters... I cant remember how many I added. Still not totally finished, but here's what I have.

on Apr. 19 2014 at 12:02 pm
GhostMatrix SILVER, Bradenton, Florida
6 articles 3 photos 82 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live Each Day To The Fullest. -Quote From Somewhere Else-

I'm Whatever You Want Me To Be - My Quote -

on Apr. 17 2014 at 9:33 pm
GhostMatrix SILVER, Bradenton, Florida
6 articles 3 photos 82 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live Each Day To The Fullest. -Quote From Somewhere Else-

I'm Whatever You Want Me To Be - My Quote -

Its Very Interesting.     The captain is crazy with power, but i guess thats normal.         I like it.       Cant wait to read more.           Good Work.                 Keep Writing.

Thalion SILVER said...
on Apr. 17 2014 at 8:27 pm
Thalion SILVER, Peoria, Illinois
9 articles 3 photos 53 comments
If anyone reads this, I have another five chapters. If you want them, comment and let me know! Otherwise, I'm not going to post them until I finish the whole book... Which may not be for a while...

Thalion SILVER said...
on Mar. 27 2014 at 6:52 pm
Thalion SILVER, Peoria, Illinois
9 articles 3 photos 53 comments
I am still trying to finish this... I'll keep posting chapters as I write them! And as always, please, please comment and let me know your thoughts!