Knightlings | Teen Ink


March 5, 2011
By A.C.Worsham GOLD, Cocoa, Florida
A.C.Worsham GOLD, Cocoa, Florida
15 articles 0 photos 19 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We can't just slay the dragon with our bear hands!"
"Yeah, we need gloves!"


Arnold Riley is a nobody. Teased by school mates and ignored at home, Arnold doesn't have a very optimistic outlook on his future and of himself. But when a mysterious girl named Phoebe invites Arnold to the local renaisance fair, he embarks on an adventure he would never dream of.
Arnold is a Knight, one of the few that are chosen to be knights every ten years. Now, in the top secret location of the Guild (the sewer system below the city), Arnold will have to learn the art of sword fighting, horseback riding, and according to rumor, dragon fighting, all to live up to the title of Knight.



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This book has 1 comment.

123Diva said...
on Jan. 23 2012 at 8:47 pm
I love it! So cute!!! So good! I feel like I'm reading a published book!