An Olympian Arrives | Teen Ink

An Olympian Arrives

September 30, 2014
By Jeonish SILVER, Hemet, California
Jeonish SILVER, Hemet, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I'm not sure what it is about famous people that makes those around them act differently. The most recent time I've experienced this was when an Olympic gymnast from 2004 became a coach at my gym. This was around 8 months ago, and the first day she arrived the whole atmoshere felt stale. We have had multiple coaches, with vast amounts of knowledge ready to be shared, join our team, but none of them got quite the tension that this former olympian recieved. I showed up a little late that day and began stetching after everyone was finishing up. There was no usually chatter or giggling or shouting or teasing, all of my group stayed deathly silent as the moved to their next task. I didn't think anything of it at first, until I realized that practically the whole gym consisted of sounds without conversation. All the girls groups were all focused just like my group, it was alien to me for no one to be doing something silly or spontanious. There was a new coach but at that time we had coaches come and go like flys. To figure out why the attitude was so odd with everyone I asked my teamate who proceeded to tell me that the new coach was in the Olympics and just started working with us. When he first told me I thought, "Yeah that's cool, but why is everyone acting so different." It was crazy that someone who made it to the Olympics was training our girls, but I just saw her as another coach.

After the first week everyone went back to normal. There was no more tension in the groups all trying to be on their best behavior. She was another coach like the rest, who did her job like the rest, but for whatever reason she got that one day where she was the center of attention without anyone saying anything.

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