Thousands of Water Bottles Being Saved | Teen Ink

Thousands of Water Bottles Being Saved

September 15, 2017
By CoolKingPineapple BRONZE, Mukwonago, Wisconsin
CoolKingPineapple BRONZE, Mukwonago, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Thousands of water bottles saved by students. Students are refilling water bottles instead of throwing them away and getting a new one. Filling stations have saved over 350,000 plastic water bottles. They are doing this so that the word is a cleaner place.

A website called Student Centers.gmu has very good explanations why you should refill your water bottle. It takes a plastic water bottle about 1000 years just to decompose. But it’s not just saving the environment but you can also save a ton of money. If you replace 200 water bottles with a refillable bottle you would save around $300. There are water bottles everywhere, at every store and every gas station. They start from $5 up to $50. So why not just pick one up.

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