Sophie and Arri. Arri and Sophie | Teen Ink

Sophie and Arri. Arri and Sophie

November 30, 2016
By arrifelix BRONZE, Idyllwild, California
arrifelix BRONZE, Idyllwild, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The news came at soccer practice. A pitch black sky accompanied my bestfriend and I as we sat on the swings waiting for the rest of our team to arrive. I wanted to cry my eyes out right there in front of her but I sat there shocked, not fully believing what she had told me. I was young. We were young. Just 7th graders, having fun and doing what we loved, together. Together, Sophie and Arri, Arri and Sophie. We were always together. We never left each other's side. When I woke every morning I didn’t bother getting ready. I simply slipped my feet into my shoes and tied the laces so they wouldn't drag as I rode my long board for the 7 minutes to get to her house.That night, at soccer practice was where I received the news that I didn't realize right then, would completely change my life. Washington. Washington, the rainy state that sits above our sunny state of California. Washington was taking my best friend away and there was nothing I could do about it.

The summer after 7th grade she left. My best friend left my side. The girl who I had the most memories with and the girl who I could tell everything to. Our other best friend was there with me as we tried to make the time go by as slow as possible. The final goodbye was the worst. We all stood in the airport clumped together, sobbing, not wanting to let go. As she turned away and disappeared into the crowded airport, we trudged off like a silent gloomy cloud. We saw her plane take off with a roar from behind the chain link fence. It only made us cry more. We were young but we all had such an incredible friendship and we will never be as close as we were before that plane flew away.

I have seen her twice since the day she left on the plane that day. Now, it's almost been two years since I've seen her. I miss her most thinking about how hard we used to laugh together and how competitive we were with each other. I miss her family that I felt like I was once a part of and I miss her old house in Long Beach that I practically lived at too. I miss the nights that I slept on her ground in my clothes because I didn't wanna go home and the mornings that we walked barefoot in our pajamas to go get breakfast. I miss everything about our friendship. We have each made new friends over time but we will always be each other's best friends. Sophie and Arri. Arri and Sophie.

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