Inner Relevance | Teen Ink

Inner Relevance

April 25, 2016
By JabrielAndrews SILVER, Killeen, Texas
JabrielAndrews SILVER, Killeen, Texas
6 articles 1 photo 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be the change you want to see in the world -Mahatma Ghandi

I believe an interest I would be incomplete about is having the ability to walk around freely. I am highly grateful that I have my legs to walk around.  They give us the ability to run at medium speeds, and for some people, even faster. When I was younger I loved the feeling of hearing the rush of the crisp wind whistling in my ears, the heart dropping rush of adrenaline and the passion I had for it. Almost everyone in my mother’s side of the family has the ability to run at eye-catching speeds. I remember my first ever track meet nearly nine years ago. I was nervous at first—my heart beating fast and the uncontrollable shaking of my body jolted through me. But when I heard the starting gun go off I took off and as a result, I was in first place!  I remember around two years after that I played track for a small town in Georgia called Hinesville, there was nothing but the solid green color of pine straw all in the trees and the smell of pine cones in a hot summer day in Georgia. When I first got there for the first track practice ever, every one was impressed with how fast I was. Even though I was only four feet and nine inches, I was like shook up bottle of soda ready to explode. I had so much energy then.  Everyday I practiced until a track meet came around early afternoon until the late evening and I believed it was worth it because it made me appreciate the abilities I have the many others don’t. 

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