A Letter to the Dear Girlfriend | Teen Ink

A Letter to the Dear Girlfriend

February 25, 2016
By Dhruvish BRONZE, Ahmedabad, Other
Dhruvish BRONZE, Ahmedabad, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I dont know whether I've told this to you lately, but you're the best thing that has ever happened to me *_* You are one of a kind. I thank God you're mine. I never knew I would get this lucky. To love you everyday, and get loved back! It is a pleasure to know more about you everyday.. Everyday is a remarkable day, with you in my life. Every morning I wake up with you in my head. Your smile comes right in front of my eyes everytime think about you. Every night I sleep dreaming about a lavish future with you. When I was young, I didn't believe in love stories and romantic movies.. But now, I do believe every tad bit of it. I never saw dreams before, but now I do, but only with you? Every time I put a heart emoji, my keyboard predicts your name right away! Being in a relationship with you, I realized how much I could mean to someone. I realized how much mature you can become. Every love story I come through, I think about us. I want to spend every day of my life with you. I always thought that loving a person and thinking about a future with them is stupid, but I'm so glad that you proved me wrong! :) I wake up every morning to become a better person, a better man, just for you! I want you to tell every person on this planet, that, yes he is my guy and be proud of it. I want every cute little thing I come across in my life with you. I really crave a long relationship. No, not long. Immortal. I know I'm too young, we are too young to think about such things! But all I know is I'm not getting a better person to love. Everytime I think about a future with you, I get those butterflies and goosebumps! You are something I dreamed about every night, and now, that I know you for real, I'm never letting you go. Not in this life atleast :)

The author's comments:

I hope it put a smile on your face. Respect the person you love and never let them go. Hold on to your happiness :)

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