What I Overcome | Teen Ink

What I Overcome

December 11, 2015
By Anonymous

Have you ever had somethings Impact your life so much that you don't even feel like yourself anymore? Right now In my life I'm having a very big conflict that Is Impacting me In so many ways, right now In my leg I have some kind of non cancerous tumor or some kind of weird anomaly that my doctors cannot explain. I'm a very active child; my dream In life Is to become a professional baseball player. I'm very lucky that I'm figuring this thing out now because me being so Informed with baseball and having so much hope and so many dreams about baseball that I would not be able to afford to miss a season of baseball. I'm In the middle of November and I'm trying to get my leg fixed and fully recovered In time for spring baseball.


My leg Injury started when I was younger, and until this year I had never really know how serious It was. When I was little my brother had hit me In the leg just before I had went to bed. The next morning my mom had woke me up for school. When I had gotten up to walk I Immediately collapsed. The pain was unexplainable. later that week me and my mom had went to see my doctor. Now at this point me and my mom had no Idea what It was so we didn’t know how bad It was. My doctor said that It was nothing bad and he also said that I should just Ice It and wrap It regularly. Now about a year after my leg stopped hurting when I moved or walked but If I moved It wrong or hit It I would get terrible pain In the spot of my Injury. At this time I thought It would gradually go away, but It didn’t. Then another year passed and things did not get better. About three years after my leg had started hurting something horrible happened. I was at a soccer tournament with some of my closest friends, and during our second game I got nailed In the leg with a ball, the force from the ball flying through the air made me move and bend my leg In a way It was not familiar with. This gave me severe pain In my leg. I had my coach pull me out where I sat on the sidelines and watched the game. then halfway through the game my mom came over to see what was  wrong. I had told her It was my leg again, and that was when my mom and I realized It was time to take this seriously.


My mom and I went to see a different doctor, then when when we had realized that I had water under my knee, this happens when you have an Injury and white cells go and try to fix It. My doctor said that I might have hurt my meniscus, It’s a muscle above the knee that helps cushion It from falls. We ended up getting X-rays. The X-rays didn’t show anything negative so It was good It was nothing In the bone, but It also told us that we needed to get an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging). It shows muscle and tissue In the body. At this point I have been sitting out of gym for about three to four weeks. That Is how long the X-rays were taking, and I'm a very active kid. I love playing sports with my friends and I love gym class, and because of this Injury I have not been able to keep up with my friends In sports. At this point I feel like my leg Is just Wasting away. It took a while to get my MRI results, and the results were not as I expected. My doctor told me that It was something that he rarely saw and that he didn't know what It was, he said he had seen things similar to It but has never seen this In anyone else. So to help figure It out he referred me to a place that was a 3 hour drive from where I lived. So not only did we have to wait for all my Information to get there we also needed to drive all the way out to the hospital.


The doctor had seen things similar but nothing this odd. He said that It could be a non-cancerous tumor but was not sure. I was very lucky because In this case whatever this strange thing was It had not Affected my bone. My doctor and I knew this because It had not showed up on the x-Ray. Now usually you can see tumors through the skin because It makes a bump, but In this particular situation It was under one of my muscles. It being a non-cancerous tumor was the only thing that my doctor could think of, I can't blame him though, he said It Is very rare. I hope I figure this out and I hope that I'm not the first person this has happened to, but even If I'm I will overcome this at any cost.


So far we have still not figured this out, I'm getting better and I'm starting to understand It now more and more everyday. I'm finding new limits to this Injury, I'm hoping to get this totally figured out soon and I hope that everything works out. Until It does though, I will keep fighting for my normal life back. My past doctors appointment have been very Informing but also very stressful, I'm going to see an oncologist soon and I will know more soon, I will be happy to find more out about this, and for anyone else who has a problem similar to this, trust me It gets better.

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