Jordy | Teen Ink


April 14, 2015
By sk8rboy13 BRONZE, Naperville, Illinois
sk8rboy13 BRONZE, Naperville, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Keith Tiggs is not a person; he's a way of life"

My dog Jordy has to be the most undisciplined creature in the animal kingdom. One might suspect a dog that has been domesticated for eleven years to be potty-trained, but our Jordy defied the odds. Some others might suspect that he not be as vocal given he has breathing issues, but rest assured,  there is no way a rabbit could possibly enter our yard unannounced.

Jordy is an elder now. What he has lost in appetite, he more than makes up for in energy and puppy-like vivaciousness. He enjoys cuddling more. With months left to go on his life, I have treasured those moments of intimacy. It’s weird how impending death has romanticized Jordy to me. I have never loved him as much as I do now.

In fact, I never really loved him at all. My family and I contemplated giving him up many times.  Some of the time, it was because we humbled ourselves to the fact that he could use some better trainers, but other times it was just because he was a nuisance.

I was a horrible older brother. I look back at the times where I would lie to my parents and say that I took him out while he would stand pleading at the door and cringe. I look back at the amount of times the poor guy had to go while I just sat on the couch. Then, I see the times where he would urinate inside because of my laziness, and then get yelled at by my dad. I look back at those times and wonder why he would want anything to do with me.

I guess that’s what Jordy taught me. Every day, that dumb dog was too stupid to remember who mistreated him. There are probably some smart veterinarians who would tell me that he was unable of doing this because of impaired memory or the inability to have deep thought. Maybe, that’s true. But all I know is it takes an incredible amount of deep thought to understand grace. It takes deep thought to forgive.

I am by no means a dog enthusiast nor do I feel a pet has an essential role in a family. Nope, I am simply a person who had a friend. I had a guy who spent every night sleeping in the room of the older brother who showed him nothing but hate. I had a companion who didn’t care about the way I treated him, he just loved me because I was me.

So, though he might still drop some logs and impulsively bark at the incoming mailman, my dog taught me more than almost anyone I know. He taught me to forgive, and even sometimes, forget. He taught me to look on the heart and past someone’s injustices. He showed me what grace is. Grace just takes it and takes it and takes it and takes it and still comes back for more with loving arms (or paws). I think if more people understood that, this world would be a much better place.

I hope everyone has something or someone like Jordy in their life. I don’t know where I would be without mine.

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on Apr. 19 2015 at 10:17 am
casey_lg PLATINUM, Clemmons, North Carolina
20 articles 0 photos 38 comments

Favorite Quote:
"history, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, but if faced with courage, need not be lived again." -Maya Angelou

This is amazing. Never stop writing.