My Love for Art | Teen Ink

My Love for Art

March 20, 2015
By APeoples BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
APeoples BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 Paintbrushes, colored pencils, and a camera are all objects that make my life colorful and beautiful.  Art has always been something that I’ve been interested in.  It all started when I was young, and I would see my dad working on some drawing.  While sitting impatiently for him to finish a drawing of my brother and I, I’d ask questions upon questions about art and drawing.  While some kids were playing on the playground, I’d spend most of my time coloring and doodling on paper.  Even as I grew older, I still did drawings all the time.  I loved the way everything could blend together beautifully and gave life to a simple sheet of paper.  My interests in art didn’t just stay with drawing; it ranged from photography to painting.  The click of a picture being taken has always been one of my favorite sounds.  I became interested in photography when I would see my cousin, who is a photographer, taking pictures at family holidays.  The ability to capture moments and keep them forever is something special, not to mention the magic of being able to keep an emotion for years in a single frame.   While painting is not my absolute favorite art form, I enjoy painting every once in a while.  Growing up, my dad hardly ever painting because he felt that he wasn’t very good at it, but I didn’t let that mind frame stop me from painting.  Although, I knew I wasn’t the best, I still painted when I could.  I’m very thankful for having something like art in my life to release creativity and emotion. I hope that when I’m older I’ll still have such a strong interest in art and that I’ll continue creating beautiful pieces for the rest of my life.  My love for art will never go away.

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