Family Eyes | Teen Ink

Family Eyes

April 14, 2014
By kelseyhucke SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
kelseyhucke SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Each family has its own distinct features. In my family, that feature is eyes. But we are split directly in half. Three and three. Similar but different.

When it comes to color and shape, Karissa and I follow after our dad. His big brown eyes mirror ours. My eyes, big and brown, but also encompassed in a forest green, shine and sparkle in the sunlight. Karissa’s, almost identical to mine, could be mistaken for my own. Soft and similar. Big and beautiful. Young and unique.

On the other side is where it differs. My mom’s eyes are like the ocean. Sea blue and green, and overwhelmed by the power of the waves. They toss and turn, changing effect in different lightings. My sisters’ are a mix between hers- Kayla’s, a faint blue just like the tip of a white cap, and Kylie’s, bright green like the water of a lake. Soft and similar. Big and beautiful. Young and unique. But different all together.

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