Reflection | Teen Ink


July 25, 2012
By schan GOLD, Taipei, Other
schan GOLD, Taipei, Other
17 articles 0 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Let us permit nature to have her way. She understands her business better than we do.”
-Michel de Montaigne

I can see why people are depressed. I can see why sadness is a trait worth keeping. It's a powerful sensation and supplies a infinite amount of emotion to inspire and invoke one's creativity. I've learned from many English class discussions, as well as the books I've read over the years, that writing is a cure to cope certain pains and sufferings.

Though it might be used to express happiness and excitement from time to time, it mostly embodies the negative feelings such as anger, frustration, and melancholy. It almost makes me disappointed that I don't feel any of those things. I used to have such a deep sadness that allowed me to fill up any random piece of paper I had at my disposal. Alas, time has numbed the sorrow, and now I feel something of an emptiness inside.

Yet I feel that this is a good emptiness, which brings infinite possibilities. I have the choice to fill it up with anything I want. Inspiration. Love. Hope. Because we are young, and it only gets better. Or so I'm told.

Sometimes, I don't seem to feel anything at all. My life seems to be faltering, right before my very eyes, What is the point of the future? What is the point of anything at all?

I see the sun rise, the sun set, and the night breeze chill the surface of my skin into goosebumps. I walk on the streets and feel the sunlight creep up on my moist skin. I don't enjoy it, and I don't hate it. I nothing it.

When the night is young, I look back into the past. I'll never be able to take any of it back. There are people I've met who will never be forgotten, words that I wish I never said, and things I've done that make me cringe with regret. But I think I shouldn't be stuck in the past any more, since I forget about the present, and the future.

Melancholy is just a feeling that comes and goes. It's inevitable, and futile to avoid. The future will bring sadness, but afterwards, there is usually happiness. Redemption. Growth. And most importantly, reflection.

“Reality is harsh. It can be cruel and ugly. Yet no matter how much we grieve over our environment and circumstances nothing will change. What is important is not to be defeated, to forge ahead bravely. If we do this, a path will open before us.” --Daisaku Ikeda

The author's comments:
I look back at my grief, and I smile. I smile because it has made me who I am today, and for that I am truly greatful.

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