Love that went on... | Teen Ink

Love that went on...

November 19, 2010
By BeatrisA SILVER, Staten Island, New York
BeatrisA SILVER, Staten Island, New York
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Be yourself don't let anyone change who you are <3

When we dated it went on and off. It was a switch that kept being used. I was sick of all the drama that came out of your mouth. One thing I would say or do would end up and bite me in the butt. It would hurt me and have you not care. We had a bi-polar relationship, something real something fake. Something dumb something smart. All a light switch, When you loved me I would go on. When you didn't it would go off. Why did you use me so much? The light bulb has finally gone out, my love for you has left along with it. You can leave me so the new person I will find can change me to something else. Not a light switch but a human. Who I really am. Me &lt;3

The author's comments:
I love writing poetry and about love so it just randomly comes to my mind and I must share it with the world. =]

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