Listen. | Teen Ink


October 15, 2021
By Anonymous

It's the same all the time,

same words when I try,

"Do tell, don't be shy,

you keep it in, don't know why"


But by then I have tried,

so much that I cry,

attempts to waste it's a crime,

words replace to a sigh.


"You're emotional", they reply,

"You think too much, don't know why",

a dramatic scene they imply,

hear it again, now it's a tie.


And any fault they deny,

but I'm here, tell me why?

figure 'habitual' is a lie,

when you have a therapist to rely.


Ironical, a kid is deprived,

say no more, it's alright,

now excuses have no supply,

give a moment, that's all I imply.

The author's comments:

I didn't get much positive feedback on this, and I did feel a little down about it. But thinking about it, even though it is neglected by many, it is something very important that we all need to start doing. And that is to 'listen'. Listening is not just hearing words, it's understanding them. It requires a lot of attention and courage, which everyone one of us fail to do at times. When that friend really wants to tell you something or that stranger who wants to tell you his side of the story or your brother or sister who just needs someone to talk to, you have to step up and truly listen. I'm saying this, because that is what I wish people would do to me. But the only way that will happen, if I start first. If you want the same thing, then you start first- by listening:)

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