Letter to a Veteran | Teen Ink

Letter to a Veteran

January 7, 2019
By milwaukeeman SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
milwaukeeman SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As school starts each morning I stand for the pledge of allegiance to show my respect to those like you who have sacrificed so much for our country.  Now being a senior in highschool nearing graduation, I could never imagine being drafted at this age to serve my country. The courage to make the decision to serve is what this country was built on and is the reason we are so lucky to have the freedoms we have today.  You not only served in times of war, but in times of conflict back home simply over the war you were fighting. I am here to give you the “Welcome Home” that you may not have received on your first return from war. Service of those before us should never be forgotten and is the reason for such great monuments in our nation's capital.  


My great grandfather was a WWII veteran with an amazing story of his service.  I was only a few years old when he died and I never got to hear his story first hand.  This is a huge regret of mine because just reading the article loses the emotion of the experience.  

Your service is what makes you different than any civilian at home and I would love to hear your experiences, stories and how your service changed you as a person.  Many people don't take the time to hear these stories that should always be acknowledged.

I thank you for your service to fight for the freedoms we take for granted everyday.  Without men with the courage and bravery like you our country would not be the same. Your hard work is never forgotten and I hope this letter allows you to reflect on the great service you provided to keep our future safe back home.

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