A Letter | Teen Ink

A Letter

August 28, 2015
By wallflower3 GOLD, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
wallflower3 GOLD, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted." -Randy Pausch

To the one that loves me unconditionally,

My Lord I crave the delicate touch of your merciful hand. Shine your light of grace and forgiveness upon me. I have made countless mistakes, all pertaining to my selfish actions and inability to recognize my faults. I pray that you come to understand how my devotion to you is the uttermost important thing in my life. I ask of you to guide me on the path you have created for me. Lead me; guide me, everyday to what I am meant to do in this life. I realize that you placed me here to do tremendous things, but only if I welcome you into my heart. And oh Lord, I welcome you with open arms. Cleanse my mind of all the foul thoughts, the ones that mask my innermost heart, and replace them with hope.

If there is one thing that I strive to do it is to reach out to people within the shadows, hiding among the fearful. I want people to understand the importance of how words can become the very thing that keeps us here yet another day. I realize, because in fact I’ve been through it, how everyday can be a struggle for life. Whether people are fighting a physical war, or even dealing with battles within their own mind, I want to help.

By sharing and hearing stories, I have opened myself up to the world of opportunities. I aspire to inspire every single day, to reach out to people that are willing to listen and learn from my words. And my friends, if you have read this far, you are a special soul.

This is a story of experiences, faults, fantasies, and lessons learned.

This is my story.

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This article has 1 comment.

LisaC. said...
on Sep. 3 2015 at 11:23 am
I feel as though the author has many feelings that they are reluctant to share- that they have barrelled up, and that they have- in a very raw way- shared with us today.