Lost Connection | Teen Ink

Lost Connection

April 7, 2015
By MarisahCroakman SILVER, West Valley, New York
MarisahCroakman SILVER, West Valley, New York
9 articles 1 photo 6 comments

We spent every possible moment together when I was a baby and growing up. You were my closest cousin, but I considered you more as a sister or best friend. I never wanted to be away from you. You were what made me happy, and you lightened up my life. When you moved to Ithaca, it killed me. Yeah, I loved that you were enjoying life and such but it sucked from going to seeing you almost every day for hours to not seeing you at all once you moved. We were so close; yet we still stayed close when you moved away. We’d write letters back and forth. But we both knew it wasn't as good as being able to be together. I remember when you surprised me, came up to my back door with Maximus you’re brand new puppy. “OH MY GOSH!” I screamed as I jumped into your arms. You soon moved back to West Valley and I was ecstatic because we had also just moved here. We both started growing up more and more over the years and I knew things were going to change, but I didn't expect this much change.
November is worst month out of all twelve. Why? It’s because it’s the month I lost you. I lost everything with you because of the shear piece of black glass. It’s not your fault, I know it isn't   I also know this isn't what you wanted. Why did we have to lose all connections? None, all gone, no way I can ever hear your voice or even your laugh again.  This changed my life forever. Not having you here with me, I thought I was going to be lost. For a while I was; I didn't know what to do, or how to handle not having you to talk to. I miss being able to talk to you about anything and everything I wish I could get all the connections we had back. I just have to think of this as something that happened for a reason; it may be hard but it’s something I have to live with the rest of my life.

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