Letter to a Veteran | Teen Ink

Letter to a Veteran

January 7, 2019
By Lily20 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Lily20 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Vietnam Veteran,

“Better to die with my chin held high than groveling like a cowering worm. In our world where we’d forgotten the names of our god, a promise was law; a promise was currency; a promise was your bond” (Maas, 2015). My favorite book series, A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas is about a girl who gives up all she has for the people she loves. She fights against all odds and powers through her mental and physical weaknesses in order to protect her family, her friends, and her whole realm. Whenever I read this book, this quote especially, I think about all of the sacrifices that people in the world have had to face. I think about the unfathomable reality of what you have had to go through. For the unimaginable strength and courage you have faced, similar to my favorite book character, I thank you.

My name is Lily, I am a junior in high school. When I am not reading in my free time, I am involved in gymnastics, track, cross country, and sailing. As a Junior, I am starting to think about leaving home and starting my own journey; I cannot imagine instead risking my life everyday for our Country. (I can barely fathom leaving for college)! For overcoming your obstacles and facing the world head-on, I would like to welcome you home. Even though, I know, you weren’t treated with the respect you deserved when you came back from Vietnam, I would like to personally say that your honorable actions show your passion in what you do. Your bravery deserves to be recognized as an act of integrity.

Every morning, we recite the Pledge of Allegiance in school, and looking the the American Flag, I think about everyone who has risked their lives to save the lives of other. In the Vietnam War, you have shown everyone great honor in all that you have done for our Country, for that, I thank you. I have also looked at many pictures of the Vietnam Memorial in Washington, D.C. and I am pleased to say that it represents all of the pride that you deserve because of what you had to go through. It is a beautiful display of all of the people you had to fight with and I am glad there is something that can show people just how important your actions are.

Once again, welcome home, and thank you for all you have done to help our Country.


The author's comments:

I wrote this letter to a Veteran going on an upcoming Honor Flight.

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