Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

May 9, 2018
By libbie.sobieski GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
libbie.sobieski GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was only my first day at Arrowhead high school, and I was repeatedly asked the same questions by teachers. “What is your name””  and “what is your future career goal?” After various personality tests, I still had no clue what I wanted to do, and I felt pressured to know.

I was curious if the medical field was right for me, so my sophomore year, I enrolled in Mrs. King’s Health Occupations class. In this class, us students did more than just read about different health care careers, but we got to talk to the professionals themselves and participate experiential learning. 

Mrs. King helped students to secure job shadows with medical professionals.  As only a sophmore in high school, I got to stand in the operation room to watch surgery!  Because of the experiential learning Mrs. King helped me secure, I knew the medical field was where I foresaw my future. I am so thankful Mrs. King pushed me to go outside my comfort zone to experience new things. I’m thankful for those gentle pushes; they allowed me to learn in the real world!

Wanting even more experience in the medical field, I applied to the Health Youth Apprenticeship Program. Mrs. King coordinates this program for students to obtain nursing assistant certifications at Waukesha County Technical College. After I was selected to be part of this two-year program, Mrs. King has helped me the whole way. There are mountains of paperwork and coordinating to setup this program, and it takes a special person like Mrs. King to work though all of this. But Mrs. King gladly does this so she help students pursue their future careers.

I have never met someone more passionate about helping students or anyone who puts in as many extra hours, or someone who makes students excited and sure of their future career as her. 

I am so thankful for the time and energy Mrs. King put into coordinating the Health Youth Apprenticeship Program. She checks in on all her students and makes sure we are all having a positive work experience and mentors us when there is conflict.

She goes above and beyond her job title to make sure we are getting the best experiences possible.  She truly cares about each and everyone of us. I’m so lucky to have had a teacher, advisor, and mentor, as great as Mrs. King.  

Mrs. King is so determined to help students find careers in the medical field that she created Arrowheads first HOSA (Future Health Professionals) chapter. I was a first year member of the chapter, and have continue in the club this year.  Not only do we get to hear from different health professionals, attend cadaver labs, and learn about health care, but we also get to raise funds and awareness for different healthcare organizations!  Mrs. King gladly sets up these opportunities to open doors for students to learn more about healthcare. I have learned so much from being part of this club and I’m lucky to have been part of it!

Because of Mrs. King, I was open to opportunities I never thought possible for someone my age.  Because of Mrs. King, I can now answer the dreaded question.  Because of Mrs. King, I will be attending Valparaiso University for their 5-year direct admit physician assistant program. I swear she is superwoman, there is just no other explanation of how she can juggle everything she does!

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